P. 330

III.XII. Nazis, CIA and ISIS

                             The Pentagon spent 540 million dollars of people’s tax money —
                           when people are struggling to feed their families — in order to create
                           propaganda videos  for  Ceres  planet  Nazi  4   Reich  SS Schutzstaffel
                           space fleet. Many Nazis of Ceres planet Nazi 4  Reich imperial space
                           fleet and communist Zionist Satanists are reptilian hybrids.
                             Many  of  them  are  Draco-Pleiadean  hybrids  and  Draco-Mantis
                           hybrids  manufactured  by  the  Pleiadean  alien  Watcher  fallen  angels
                           mentioned  in  the  Book  of  Enoch.  Reptilian  hybrid  globalist  elites
                           consider  themselves  the  ‘blue  blood’  superior  Aryan  race  or  the
                           offspring of Draco Prime reptilian.
                             Their  videos  served  to  mind-program  humans  against  Muslim
                           Jihadists — managed by the CIA, Al-Qaeda, DHS and ISIS Blackwater
                           Company intelligence composed by Nephilim aliens and chimera alien
                           incarnated in avatar agents --- which are supposed to be the enemy of
                           the U.S. All terrorist videos were produced in Hollywood studios in
                           California  using  green  screens.  People  were  beheaded  and  killed  to
                           cause  negative  energy  among  human  viewers,  so  that  fallen  angels
                           could feed on this life force energy.
                             CIA’s  Nazi  shadow  rogue  government  acts  both  roles:  the  good
                           heroes and the bad villains. For example, they use Joe Biden’s clone to
                           play the role of the villain and bring in Donald Trump as the hero getting
                           rid  of  Biden.  In  the  same  way,  Americans  think  that  CIA  terrorist
                           intelligence  agents  within  Al-Qaeda  —  which  are  just  mind-
                           programmed Muslims — are the enemy.
                             All they need to do is to use their CIA, Al-Qaeda, DHS, and ISIS to
                           cause false flag attacks, terrorism, mass shooting or bombing and they
                           will easily push billions of humans to kill each other. They forced Iran
                           to take their U.S. nuclear weapons.
                             Knight  of  Malta  and  Draconian  avatar  Paul  Bremer  of  the  U.S.
                           counter terrorism was in-charge of pushing people to war against Islam
                           (a religion created by the Vatican Illuminati), removing human rights
                           and empowering NWO and CIA Nazi shadow rogue government. He
                           was a long-time assistant of the Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger that
                           you already know…

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