P. 334
OSS MK Ultra Montauk Project at Plum Island during WWII
Nazis had electrogravitic propulsions in the ‘20s. On August 23,
1942 the German Nazi astronaut Werner Theisenberg led the first
successful Moon landing. In this regard, you must know that Illuminati
falsified the Moon landing films because Draconians and their
spaceships surrounded the Apollo spacecraft that landed on the Moon.
They couldn’t broadcast this, so they asked their Satanist movie director
Stanley Kubrick to make fake Moon landing films. Apollo rockets used
antigravity spaceship technology
First German Nazi military spacecraft Hanebau III landed on Mars
planet in January 1946, right after the end of WWII, while the Germans
were starving and dying back. On Mars they opened up diplomacy with
Mars Nephilim aliens, reptilian chimera aliens and insectoid chimera
aliens. They colonized Mars and other planets with the help of Hollow
Earth’s ‘Arianni Aryan’ Nephilim aliens with elongated heads.
After the Nazi 4 Reich space fleet flew over the White House in
1952 and won WWII, the Gestapo and OSS joined together to create
the CIA. In the ‘50s, tens of thousands of German Nazi war criminals
were age-regressed, they received new identities and infiltrated the U.S.
becoming the bosses of many American military industrial companies
such as Lockheed, Martin, McDonnell, Douglas, Boeing and
Norththrup Grumman.
Satan, his fallen angels and their Nephilim aliens and chimera alien
incarnated in globalist elites have tremendous prejudice against their
fellow American, British, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Iranian,
Jewish, Arab, African and Hispanic people. Thus, they are trying to
force them to take their covid 19 AI ‘black goo’ (Kaaba quantum Borg
zombie) fake vaccine. For people who refuse, they are setting up their
NWO-UN-NATO-EU-FEMA Nazi 5 Reich concentration camps to
incarcerate and exterminate them.
Finally, the Saturn ‘Black Sun’ Draconian reptilian chimera aliens
and their reptilian hybrid Nazi SS 4 Reich space fleet imperial
Stormtroopers in UN cloned hybrid bodies, have taken over our planet.
I am talking about the real full force of Draconian imperial clone
Stormtroopers, and the imperial space fleet of Nazi SS U.S. ‘Space
Force’. I am talking about their invasion of our planet. They always