P. 326
- The Triumvirate on Mars planet. The Triumvirate is a group of
representatives of each criminal organization running the Secret Space
Program. Members of this intergalactic mafia commission include:
- Monarch Solutions Company (CEO Paul Serene = Kevin Spacey)
- Umbrella Company (CEO John Slender = Tom Cruise)
- Ceres planet Nazi 4 Reich space fleet Fuhrer,
- ICC (CEO Dick Cheney),
- EDF (Earth Defense Force)
- the Merchant Marine is involved in child trafficking: children sex
slaves, human meat food, laboratory experiment specimen, mining
slaves and cyborg industry.
What our enemies did and do against humanity:
- They empoisoned humanity (63%) with their fake vaccines.
- They massacred 6 million of Jews and 14 million of Polish, Russians,
French, Italians, Belgians, etc., in WWII.
- They slaughtered Max Spiers’ super soldiers.
- Assassination attempts against Lincoln Clay, Peter Berger and Seth
Rich (killed).
- Blowing up to smithereens the Republic Rebel Alliance ‘Tageszeit
Waffen’ space fleet, and the Solar Warden space fleet with their
spaceships crews.
- They provoked heart attacks to the Asian dragon family elders.
- They sunk the Titanic/Olympic ship to eliminate anti-Fed financial
leaders. They sunk the Lusitania ship too (WWI).
- They tried to sink Japan on 3.11 and to kill the 14 Illuminati Japanese
imperial family (an inferior reptilian family, in their view).
- They tried to poison my source for the third part of this eBook, and
Benjamin Fulford.
- They used UN vehicles to shoot Kimmy Goguen’s car to shreds, to
kill everyone in it and tried to choke to death ACIO’s Pete (Alien
Contact Intelligence Organization).
- They ritual sacrificed Captain Randy Cramer’s girlfriend by cutting
her in half using the wormhole event horizon, in order to get the fallen
angels junk technology in exchange.
- They used Tony Rodriguez as some kind of bait for Mantis and killed