P. 324

- Communism.
                           - Capitalism.
                           - (fake) Democracy.
                           - Illegal IRS tax criminal embezzlement agency of Draconian reptilian
                            chimera aliens incarnated in Black Nobility families.
                           - Banking system (Federal Reserve).
                           - Court judges.
                           - Police system.

                           - 800000 children disappear every year in America alone.
                           - 40 to 60 million of people are abducted every year for Illuminati secret
                            space fleets to other planets as labor slaves, sex slaves, human meat
                            food, and specimens for laboratory experiments.
                           - Child trafficking for sex slavery and adrenochrome blood industry for
                            spirit cooking rituals of all the pedophile and cannibal Wicca adepts
                            LGBTP (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Pedophile) that are:
                            bisexual  Draconian  chimeras,  quadrisexual  Pleiadean  Nephilim,
                            multisexual Mantis and hermaphrodite Pleiadean Watcher fallen angel
                            Nazis of the 5  Reich (Umbrella Corporation).
                           - Satanist, pedophile and cannibal traffics of children in the dungeons
                            underneath  the  White  House,  many  other  Capitol  buildings.
                            Buckingham  palace,  UN  buildings,  EU  buildings,  Vatican  and  all
                            other  government  buildings,  churches,  schools,  millionaires  home
                            basements, Epstein’s island, theme parks and orphanages throughout
                            the world.
                           - Narcotics industry.
                           - Rape of many girls, sodomy of many boys, ongoing cannibalism and
                            slaughtering by the royal bloodline Nazi officers too.
                           - Orion Alliance people and Lyran people are raped and enslaved.
                           - Planes passengers of the 9/11 terrorist attacks were raped and eaten.
                           - Super soldiers’ bodies of Kruger company and M.U.R.G. (Monarch
                            Umbrella  Refugee  Group  ‘Justice  League’)  are  transformed  into
                            Merck Pharmaceutical Omega-3 fatty acid vitamin tablets.

                           Enemies  organizations  on  Earth  ruled  by  Draconian  reptilian

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