P. 322

who received the ‘Mark of the Beast’. in order to satisfy their anger and
                           disgust as soon as the crimes of their ‘predecessors’ will be exposed.
                           The result will be that people will welcome the AntiChrist and Donald
                           Trump  as  heroes,  in  the  interest  of  Draconians  that  have  ruled  our
                           unlucky  planet  since  the  ‘Garden’  and  Atlantis.  WAKE  UP
                             At present, Satan and his puppets seem to be just stalling for time
                           until real Christians finish their warning and are raptured up to heaven.
                           Then, he can bring in both sides to decimate human population and turn
                           the Earth to ashes. It is the Luciferian doctrine of the ‘Phoenix rising
                           from the ashes’ or ‘Order out of chaos’.
                             The tail of the Devil “will swipe one-third of the stars” (the fallen
                           angels that are coming down on our planet with him). To understand
                           what this means, imagine yourself stuck into an elevator with a mass
                           murderer psychopath whose wife just left him, who just lost his job and
                           who just found out that he has a terminal cancer.
                             Satan’s fallen angels are manufacturing fake aliens to infiltrate and
                           destroy  other  alien  civilizations.  They  are  employing  the  same
                           strategies they are employing against us. They are already preparing for
                           the next stage of their galactic extermination agenda.
                             The goal of Satan and his fallen angels is to drag everyone to
                           death  and  hell.  They  will  use  every  deception  and  occult  false
                           doctrine necessary to achieve this goal. They give you 90% of truth
                           and then they try to drag you into hell with 10%  of lies. Fallen
                           angels don’t want that we pass the test and receive life, because they
                           failed in their own tests.
                             They  cannot  kill  or  harm  God’s  real  Christian  remnants.  If  they
                           attack,  God  will  attack  them  back  many  times  more.  Just  like  God
                           hardened Pharaoh’s heart — so that he couldn’t stop destroying himself
                           and his kingdom — God hardened Satan and hisfallen angels, so that
                           they cannot stop destroying themselves.

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