P. 319
Satanist Zionism. Discoveries of Judaism artifacts and documents
with satanic symbols that were stolen in Syria, show that the current
Illuminati ‘Hebrew Roots movement’ has nothing to do with God,
Hebrews and the Old Testament. This ‘Hebrew Roots movement’ is a
witchcraft religion created by Draconian reptilian chimera aliens
incarnated in religious leaders during the Babylonian exile. True
Judaism was corrupted by occult doctrines of the Kabbalah, so Israelites
adopted Babylonian Satanism while they were exiled in Babylon.
Thus, the modern Judaism is not the real Judaism of God. The texts
they use are from Babylonian Satanism and not from the God’s
Hebrews Bible. Kabbalah witchcraft occult doctrines and practices
sought to exterminate true Hebrews through Albert Pike’s nuclear war
between Satanist-Zionism and Satanist-Islam, and by replacing God’s
covenant with the Hebrew people with themselves - fake Jews of the
biblical ‘Church of Satan’ (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).
Gematria and the worship of pagan goddesses such as: Isis,
Semiramis, Ishtar, Easter, Astarte, Asherah, Ashtar, Mother Mary,
Fatimah, Kali, or Bodhisattva, in Judaism are called ‘Shekinah’. This is
a demon spirit called ‘the woman who rides the beast’ and the ‘queen
of heaven’ in the Bible. These things are Babylonian Satanism
teachings of Judaism and not of God’s original Bible. Furthermore, too
many pastors and Christians don’t read the Bible and don’t know that
the 144000 Hebrew Remnant are virgin men, 12000 from each of the
12 tribes of Israel (John’s Revelation).
NWO rival factions. Donald Trump’s Nazi faction and Rothschild-
Soros’ communist faction are both run by Satan and his fallen angels.
Therefore, if you track both sides up their hierarchy, you will find the
same fallen angels running everything, as well as many witches and
warlocks who worked on both sides found out.
Satan and his minions created the fake facade ‘good versus bad’ to
justify the idea of an alliance that will save humankind with their ‘good
aliens’ (Q, Trump, etc.) against evil Draconian Zionist Satanists
(Clinton, Biden, etc.). It’s another lie! In reality, the whole
propaganda of the battle for arresting and executing 2 billion of
Illuminati is a sham!