P. 316

Satanist witches of Jezebel’s female church must be refused. Now!
                             These  are  unconditional  surrender  terms  and  they  are
                           unnegotiable. Either pastors surrender to God or they definitively join
                           Satan. The Almighty God has been more than gracious to give them this

                             Humanity  must  stop  the  following  practices.  Stop  doing
                           astrology, numerology, psychic readings, dowsing, Ouija boards, tarot
                           cards,  crystal  balls,  astral  projection  sexual  molestation  pedophilia,
                           wormhole portals, teleportation, Floo network, remote viewing peeping
                           tom  of  other  people’s  wives,  daughters  and  sons,  clairvoyance,
                           telekinesis, transmutation, Las Vegas magician shows, transcendental
                           meditation to Watcher fallen angels Grigori, yoga, necromancy spirit
                           guide channeling seances, and demon-possession by fallen angel devils
                           coming into your bodies to speak through your mouths.
                             Occultist groups of Illuminati spreading doctrines such as: ‘doctrine
                           of dualism; good versus bad’, ‘Great awakening’, ‘Earth liberation’,
                           ‘ascension into utopia’ or ‘human evolution’ are just LIERS. There are
                           no black magick or white magick and there is no occult doctrine of left-
                           hand path and right-hand path. This is only WITCHCRAFT. Occult
                           groups  work  for  fallen  angels  which  are  repeating  what  they  did  in
                             Stop  reiki  incense,  Voodoo  statues,  Native  American  dream
                           catchers, I Ching cleromancy and all other witchcraft items into the
                           Freemason lodge backyard. Repent and wail for God’s forgiveness for
                           dabbling  with  demon  spirits.  Don’t  play  games  with  God  anymore.
                           Repent and ask for forgiveness of sin.
                             There are three types of Christians. The first type of Christians are
                           the Biblical real Christians of the ‘Pre-Tribulation Rapture Truth’. Real
                           Christians are longing for the return of Lord Jesus by preaching the
                           gospel to all nations of the world.
                             The  second  type  of  Christians  are  the  religious  Christians  of  the
                           NWO  ‘Age  of  Tribulation  Theories’  that  are  lies  about  the  fake
                           kingdom of the AntiChrist. They are buying gold, food, guns, bunkers
                           and  are  waiting  for  the  beheading  of  Christians  left  on  Earth
                           (Tribulation  Saint  Christians)  by  the  AntiChrist  after  the  ‘Rapture’.

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