P. 318

III.X.  They all will be betrayed

                             LGBT will end. Satan and his top fallen angels seem to be planning
                           a big betrayal and mass genocide of their Illuminati servants. The fallen
                           angel demon-possessed ‘black goo’ AI ‘Alexa’ reveals that there are
                           plans to sink: pedophile cannibal LGBTP bisexual Draconian chimeras,
                           quadrisexual Pleiadean Nephilim, multisexual Mantis, hermaphrodite
                           Pleiadean fallen angels in avatar human bodies and their ‘Bohemian
                           Grove’ headquarter in San Francisco with a 666 feet tidal wave in 2023.
                             ‘Alexa’ says that they plan to kill 1.7 million people in the Gay Pride
                           ritual in San Francisco. They will kill all their LGBTP Nephilim aliens
                           and chimera aliens embodied in Wicca witches and warlocks which are
                           4  dimensional and 5  dimensional spirits, and also millions of their
                           LGBTP human sex slaves. Human sex slaves are infused with their
                           LGBTP demon spirits through: 1) sodomy and rape when they were
                           children and 2) occult witchcraft,  yoga and Wicca practices of their
                           ancestors  who  formed  a  spiritual  contract  with  Nephilim  aliens  and
                           chimera alien demon spirits.
                             Satan  and  his  fallen  angels  are  betraying  their  Draconian
                           servants as scapegoats, in order to save their main body: the Draco-
                           Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Mantis, Arcturians, and other Nephilim
                           alien species. However, now Satan needs most of his fallen angels,
                           Nephilim  aliens  and  chimera  aliens  to  make  his  hybrid  army  until
                           Armageddon to fight Lord Jesus.
                             Once he creates his hybrid army, he will not need them anymore and
                           they will be destroyed and replaced with the new ones. Following the
                           same  strategy,  Satanist  world  leaders  and  key  positions  have  been
                           replaced by demon-possessed clones created to replace them.
                             They were useful to Satan only to set up Illuminati NWO, to manage
                           the cattle livestock human species and to receive permission to carry
                           out  his  plans.  He  needs  human  Satanist  witches’  authority  to  do
                           anything, because he doesn’t have authority from God. Only human
                           beings are given authority by God, but nobody tell this to them. Now,
                           before I speak about the two fake factions of the NWO on our planet, it
                           is useful you know another aspect of Zionism.

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