P. 313
Hillary Clinton raped and ate their children because they had believed
Q’s lies that she and the globalist elite will be arrested and executed,
they cannot be surprised...
Too many people remain silent condoning Hillary Clinton, all the
hybrid pedophile cannibals, and the torture and rape of our children.
They worship demon spirits as their gods and worship their own bodies,
sex, beauty and money. There are too many humans on the enemy’s
side. Many of them have been soul-scalped and their body and identity
have been replaced by billions of evil spirits in hybrid human bodies.
Other people are now soulless beings and organic portals to keep real
humans in line with Draconians fake matrix and its control system.
This is your last chance to switch side. Repent of your sins and ask
Lord Jesus for forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. Our orders are to
love our enemies. Now, time has a tendency to snap back like a rubber
band and this means that human lovers of self will not have the revived
NWO of Atlantis. Conversely, they will live a Tribulation Age of 7
years of destruction and terror upon them.
This 7-year Tribulation Age will come upon them all at once in rapid
succession and they will have no time to regain any standing. They will
be totally destroyed. Satan’s mission is to fight Lord Jesus when He
returns at Armageddon and so he needs a full police state control. Satan
knows his time is short and cannot have human beings running around
for his agenda to fight God. Anyway, God’s Creation is continually
improved and evil has to come to an end.
As the Bible says, the AntiChrist doesn’t need consent from humans
about the last vaccine (the microneedlez patch Luciferase biometric ID
tattoo Mark of the Beast), because non-Christians are already under
Satan’s jurisdiction and serve him willfully.
Periodically, Satan and his fallen angels discuss about changing the
AntiChrist. Remember that Nephilim aliens, chimera aliens and
Pleiadean Watcher fallen angels wear human/hybrid avatar bodies
which are converted to the opposite sex, so the AntiChrist (the Man of
Sin) could be a transvestite female spirit impersonating a male Nazi 5th
Reich Pleiadean savior of humankind.
This transvestite transgender Nephilim AntiChrist could bring in a
brief time of peace and prosperity from the ashes, as Daniel 11:3 says: