P. 311

called ‘the Church of Satan’ in the Bible — and the rest of evil peoples
                           will use the Noahide laws to command the beheading of the ‘Tribulation
                           Saints’ left behind on Earth.
                             They will be accused to be Jesus idolaters who refuse to worship the
                           AntiChrist. Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated in avatars see
                           worship  of  Jesus  as  idolatry,  and  worship  of  Satan  as  proper.
                           Remember, in Satan’s realm everything is inversed, is upside down.
                           Once  real  Christians  are  raptured  up  to  heaven  and  Christians
                           Tribulation Saints are martyred by the AntiChrist, Illuminati will begin
                           to depopulate 99% of the human species. HUMANITY WAKE UP!
                             They  will  show  videos  of  Draconian  reptilian  chimera  aliens
                           embodied in LGBTP church pastors and church leaders — during their
                           orgiastic and cannibal rituals with children — to the people, just like
                           they showed to German populace the Nazi camps after WWII.
                             People  will  be  so  angered  and  disgusted  by  the  rape,  sodomy  of
                           children,  skinning  them  alive,  sawing  their  arms  and  legs  off  alive,
                           ripping out their organs alive, gauging out their eyes, eating them alive,
                           drinking their adrenochrome blood, that those who received the Mark
                           of the Beast — and no longer have human souls that can connect with
                           God — will demand the end of all religions and a one-world religion
                           under the AntiChrist. As they are hive-mind controlled by the neurolink
                           system, it will be very easy to control their minds.

                             Illuminati plan is to cover up the rapture of real Christians by causing
                           a nuclear WWIII between USA-EU and Russia or China, or Iran. They
                           also  plan  to  drop  on  Earth  meteors  and  asteroids  through  their
                           Anunnaki/Draconian  dead  star  and  space  station  Nibiru.  They  will
                           release  their  hybrid  vampires,  werewolves,  wendigos  and  other
                           prehistoric creatures from their underground bases.
                             All  globalist  elites will leave our planet  to  go  to  Mars and  other
                           Illuminati planets, in cities where they already own luxurious mansions
                           and palaces. They will replace themselves with clones under the guise
                           of having been executed for crimes against humanity,  to satisfy the
                           millions of worshippers of Q and Donald Trump. As soon as the Holy
                           Spirit in real Christians — who is still protecting human beings — is
                           raptured up to heaven, all hell breaks loose.

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