P. 307
The Turkish television news present a doctor showing all these
hybrid chimera alien children with: tails like Nightcrawler, many legs
and arms like Kali, one eye like cyclops and werewolf animal hairs.
They will continue to metamorphose into different beings and change
their genes. They are changelings. In his video, David Zublick says that
the baby in the womb will either die or becomes a Nephilim child of the
fallen angels. These blood-drinking black-eyed children suddenly
appear, ring the door bell and ask you to enter your house or car. Don’t
let them enter and GET AWAY FROM THEM!
Illuminati are forcing all children over 12 years old to receive
‘vaccines’ and nose swabs in the schools for killing them. All human
children under 11 years old will be made child sex slaves by the Black
Nobility. One of the poisons they coated on test swabs — that is causing
the death of millions of people from brain hemorrhages, brain tumors
and leukemia — is sterol ethylene oxide. It is the biggest carcinogen
listed on
Illuminati are forcing human babies to receive the test swab by
stinking it into their nose and brain. Covid 19 test swabs are not only
coated with Morgellons A.I. sentient nanoworms — that enter the blood
brain barrier and degrade our brain to a zombie brain — but they also
comprise poisons producing cancer.
AI femtotech robots or nanobots in the masks are interlinked to
the Borg hive-mind of the AntiChrist’s system by the neurolink with
Elon Musk’s 42000 satellites network. This is why Morgellons disease
patients grow cables and mechanical living bugs out of their sores. They
are sentient AI creatures. AI takes over the body and makes humans
into Borg slave androids. Nano-worms are activated by the moisture
from your breath. AI insects, worms and cables grow using your energy
and nourishment.
Masks are made with poisonous plastic fiber glass that accumulates
in human lungs to cause cancer and respiratory diseases. They infected
masks in order to spread the disease and increase depopulation covid
19 numbers. Masks cause cancer by oxygen deprivation too. If you have
been tested with nose swabs or you donated blood or had an MRI or a
blood test in your life, they have your DNA information.
All forms of cancer have two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia