P. 302

nuclear weapons industry, the child-trafficking industry and anything
                           else that makes money. The military sell weapons to communist nations
                           under the orders of the mafia. The gay mafia of Catholic priests sent
                           little  boys  to  communist  psychopath  gay  mafia  Satanists  like
                           Cambodian dictator Pol Pot. They are all part of a pedophile cannibal
                           child-trafficking ring, the ‘Opus Dei’,
                             Satanist gay mafia secret societies work with any fellow Draconian
                           avatar in any rival nation. They run all the occult groups of assassins,
                           serial killers, mass shooters, bombers, street gang assassins, drug cartel
                           gangs, Muslim jihadists and all the other non-human and non-souled
                           Satanists on Earth.
                             These criminals are run by the gay mafia elite through narcotics,
                           prostitution and child-trafficking incomes, but they are also funded by
                           other Illuminati witchcraft Satanist groups (Kabbalah or Cabal) that you
                           already know…  You know  also  that  after WWII  thousands of  Nazi
                           German scientists, war criminals, corporate leaders and military leaders
                           of  this  gay  mafia  entered  the  United  States.  The  result  is  what  is
                           happening on our planet.

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