P. 301
Griggs 198 reveals that in order to be a colonel or Navy SEALS special
operations unit member, you have to be bisexual and part of this
Satanist homosexual gay mafia, according to the confession of many
SEALS commanders, and army and air force military generals.
They all do orgy parties with each other in huge mansions in
Marseille. There were over a thousand Navy SEALS soldiers at the orgy
party where Kay went to, and she says that every single SEAL soldier
has to do a cold kill to be initiated into Satanist SEALS military units.
He must go into any hotel or home and killing anyone he finds.
All the Nazi SS leaders in WWII were part of the gay mafia elite
secret societies (Hollywood, royal families, politicians, Vatican, White
House, CIA, etc.). Satanist Draconian avatar William Donavan created
the military OSS, the CIA and ran the communist parties. This group
created the Atlantis Empire, the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, the
Egyptian Empire and the communist nations.
All the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ and ‘Skull & Bones’ secret
societies are part of this Satanist Draconian gay mafia. They spread all
their biological weapons to create pandemics and make money from
pharmaceutical industry based on witchcraft and alchemy. They
organized all the global terrorism and wars in history.
Illuminati corporations, social network websites, shops and
businesses get big because 34 million of Illuminati families promote
and use them. They want to get rid of people’s small business and
bankrupt them, just like they manipulate the stock market and steal
money from us.
They run the narcotic industry, the arms trafficking industry, the
198 Karlstrom Eric (January 4, 2019). Kay Griggs Interviews: The U.S. Military Is
a Mind Control Operation Run by Sexual Deviants (Homo & bi-sexuals/pedophiles)
Kay Pollard Griggs is the former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Head of Special
Operations under Admiral Kelso of NATO. Col. Griggs, a Princeton graduate (class
of 1959), and graduate of the NATO Defense College in Rome, was a spy and Special
Ops assassin from the period of the Vietnam War onward. Based on innumerable
revelations that Col. Griggs made while he was intoxicated, Kay Griggs reports in an
extended interview in 1998 that the U.S. military is run by sexual deviants, mostly
homosexuals, and that the U.S. military itself is a mind-control operation. Url.