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caused by radiation and not virus. The smoke screen of ‘virus’ hides
                           the  exosomes  caused  by  radiation.  Social  distancing  is  the  distance
                           needed  to  identify  the  ethnic  genes  of  a  man’s/woman’s  DNA  by
                           satellites to kill him/her. It is an ‘Order 666’ based on betrayal for mass
                           execution. All the people, the allies and patriots that are fighting against
                           Illuminati on Earth and in space must be aware of what is happening…
                             Dr.  Scott  Werner  confirms  that  one  of  the  hundreds  of  toxins
                           contained in  the  fake  vaccines  is  graphene oxide.  It  causes massive
                           hemorrhages of blood vessels — as seen in many vaccinated people
                           with  blood  blisters  all  over  their  bodies  —  heart  failures  and  other
                           deaths.  Furthermore,  manuals  in  the  box  of  the  fake  vaccines  are
                           completely blank and include no information on the ingredients
                             Graphene  oxide  is  so  small  that  it  can  breaks  through  the  cell
                           membrane to deliver the mRNA gene-changing material into the cell.
                           The person’s cells  create toxic prion  spike protein  nanites  attacking
                           cells and killing this person. Those who survive will eventually become
                           zombie  creatures  of  the  Apocalypse.  Pine  Bark  is  effective  against
                           prions and treatment for covid 19 is hydroxychloroquine,
                             After the fake vaccine or biochemical weapon ‘black goo graphene
                           oxide A.I. femtotech nanobots gene-altering’ is activated by 5G towers,
                           the t-Veronica zombie virus will be activated and will reconstitute
                           the DNA of the host. In the fake vaccines there are also genes of
                           various animals and plants, so what you turn into depends on the
                           5G frequency hertz that Illuminati shoot at you.
                             It is just like when they shoot different frequencies at DNAs to create
                           various aliens. Those who receive the vaccine will become non-human-
                           souled,  gene-altered,  and  5G-controlled  Borg  zombies.  Any  demon
                           spirit would be able to enter their bodies and use them.
                             Hybrid  Nephilim  chimera  alien  incarnate  avatar  Elon  Musk  is
                           sending up 42000 satellites to create an electromagnetic field that will
                           control  human  minds  trough  fallen  angels  neurolink  Skynet.  It  is  a
                           quantum AI network control linked to 5G system. Now astronomers
                           cannot  see  the  stars  because  Illuminati  are  creating  an  artificial
                           electromagnetic holographic world on Earth, linked to the matrix reality
                           of the fallen angels — a demonic quantic realm
                             Inside  covid  19  fake  vaccines  there  is  SM-102.  Its  manufacturer

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