P. 309
Savior Jesus.
Chemtrails, for their part, have many purposes: 1) to terraform the
Earth for the return of reptilian cold-blooded fallen angels (the
protective blue and ultra violet lights need to be eliminated because
germs cannot live in high frequencies) and 2) to put AI ‘black goo’
femtotech nanobots into humans for turning them into hive-mind
zombies. Then, 5G-60Giga frequencies will exterminate the human
species according to Nazi eugenics agenda (fake virus, fake vaccines,
WWIII, holocaust camp, gas chambers, beheadings and so on).
If you are a real Christian, nothing can make you sick. Sin makes
humans sick. The Holy Spirit of God makes humans healthy. Go to
the contagious sick people to place your hands on them and heal
them in the name of Lord Jesus if they have faith.