P. 310


                             The ‘Rapture’ of all the real Christians will trigger off an absolute
                           devastation during the seven years of the ‘Tribulation Age’. Then, the
                           AntiChrist will appear and will become a hero by making himself look
                           like the person who gets rid of all the evil Illuminati and liberates the
                           Earth. People will fall into the trap and will worship him as a god.
                             After real Christians guardians are raptured up to heaven, Illuminati
                           will be free to depopulate 99% of the human species by any means.
                           They  will  change  the  surviving  1%  with  their  Borg  AI  femtotech
                           nanobots, 5G remote assassination gene-changing, and ‘Mark of the
                           Beast’ soul-losing ‘vaccines’.
                             These last ‘vaccinated’ people — who lost their human souls and the
                           opportunity for salvation in Christ — will worship the AntiChrist and
                           will  receive  from  fallen  angels:  medical-beds,  regeneration  tanks,
                           replicators, levitating spaceships, Floo Network wormhole-type portals
                           for time travel, flying body suits and other laughable junk technologies
                           currently used by Nazi space fleets.
                             Illuminati are already arresting with fake criminal charges people
                           like James Casbolt (Michael Prince) or slaughtering people like Max
                           Spiers, so that information — like the TR3B space fleet for pedophile
                           rape  rings  using  theta  deep  sleep  —  are  no  longer  exposed.  They
                           exterminated all the ‘White Hats’ whistleblowers and replaced them
                           with their fake cover-up disinformants, once real Christians exposed
                             Satan, his fallen angels’ top hierarchy, their CIA and Nazis of MK
                           Ultra mind-control are making fun of human children. In their view, we
                           and our kids are: a sex slave species, a human meat food species, a
                           taxpayer  slave  species,  and  a  lab  experiment  species.  The  Watcher
                           fallen  angels  show  their  alien  junk  technologies,  their  monsters  and
                           what they want to realize on our planet in their Hollywood movies, IN
                           OUR FACE, because they think we will never realize it. They think we
                           are too stupid…
                             After the rapture of real Christians (the ‘Church Saints’ in the Bible)
                           Illuminati  Muslims,  Christians,  communists,  liberals,  capitalists  and
                           fake Jews leaders — Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated and

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