P. 304
Many Monarch Solutions companies are travelling to future
timelines and are opening up wormhole portals to bring back creatures
from the future. Therefore, many strange creatures are coming into our
timeline from various future timelines. The CEO of Umbrella
Company, John Slender, is a hermaphrodite bisexual Nephilim demon
spirit who uses the Lichten Soldaten cyborg body of Tom Cruise.
Detroit was a bankrupt city with no jobs and all the human workers
had left. 1 million androids were brought into the city in a period of 6
months. Now, half of Detroit city is not human and is full of Cyber Life
Company androids. Some towns in the world have increased their
population by 6 times, because of all these ‘Order 666’ infiltrated
androids. They are controlled by a demon-possessed AI which is
controlled by fallen angels collecting profiles of human beings, in order
to replace them.
Biochemical weapons to destroy us. Umbrella Company gave
Draconian reptilian chimera aliens a special biological weapon,
Monarch Solutions Company gave Draconian reptilian chimera aliens
a special wormhole portal opening device, and Draconian reptilian
chimera aliens gave them an energy device in exchange. This device
uses quantum technology to provide free energy forever for their
underground bases, without requiring huge reactors.
This technology also changes our quantum. This is why all the
humans are getting infections from viruses of Umbrella Corporation —
from the spirit entities attachments that Draconian reptilian chimera
aliens are sending into their noses. Draconians are spreading them to all
humans. Wicca doctrine of human ascension serve to ascend humans
into covid 19 fake vaccines and transform them in Borg hive-mind
zombies through 5G remote controlled by non-souled Nephilim, as in
Noah’s/Atlantis days.
5G towers are the real covid 19. Your body creates viruses to
cleanse and protect itself from toxins. You already know that covid 19
has never been identified scientifically. Its symptoms and deaths are
caused by 5G remote extermination weapon using 60 Ghz. Then,
poisoned fake vaccines weaken the immune system.
5G-60 Ghz prevents oxygen absorption and doctors say that the
condition of the lung is something never seen before. This condition is