P. 320

Zionist  communist  leaders,  the  ‘White  Draco  Primes’  and  the
                           Satanist Nazi ‘Black Sun’, seem to be two rival factions both under the
                           Draconian Empire. Similarly, the Nazi 4  Reich space fleet on Ceres
                           planet — composed of reptilian hybrid avatars — has no compassion
                           for  humans.  These  avatars  are  forced  to  drink  the  ‘black  goo’  AI
                           femtotech nanobots by their Draconian reptilian chimera alien bosses
                           from Saturn.
                             Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated in pedophile cannibal
                           Satanists like George Soros are both Communists, like Hillary Clinton,
                           and Nazis, like MJ-12 (Majestic-12) member Donald Trump. They run
                           both sides and are neither Nazi nor Communist, they are globalist
                           anti-human and pro-Nephilim. In fact, one of George Soros bosses
                           — the Pleiadean Watcher fallen angel alien Semjaza or Nazi Semjase
                           — is the father of the master Nephilim Pleiadean alien Sananda Jesus.
                           Sananda Jesus is the god of Western nations Christians believing in the
                           ‘redefined Bible’
                             So, all is just a factional battle between those who want to control
                           the NWO, but it is also a Satan’s diversion from the most important
                           issue that is the repentance of sins and salvation of humankind before
                           God’s judgment. You already know that Satan and his fallen angels are
                           betraying their Draconian servants as scapegoats, in order to save their
                           main body: Draco-Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Mantis, Arcturians, and
                           other Nephilim alien species. However, until Jesus’ Second Victorious
                           Coming, they need most of their Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens for
                           their hybrid army.
                             For this  reason,  the Nazi  SS soldiers  of the ‘Black  Sun’  Satanist
                           faction were charged to replace most of the Satanist human elites (like
                           French  President  Macron)  with  clones.  Their  human  souls  were
                           scalped, their bodies and identities stolen or cloned. Now all of their
                           bodies are avatars for Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens.
                             Draconians are replacing with clones all their presidents, congress
                           members, Hollywood celebrities, corporations’ CEOs, royal families,
                           Vatican leaders and also all other Nephilim aliens and chimera aliens
                           incarnated in Satanist pedophile cannibal Wicca witches and warlocks
                              By this way, only the original Draconian avatar elites can: 1) go

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