P. 325

chimera aliens embodied in Black Nobility, globalist elites and their
                           - CIA/Nazi shadow rogue government and its parent organizations. CIA
                            runs  the  global  child-trafficking,  global  terrorism,  Al-Qaeda,  ISIS,
                            and the Taliban for the Illuminati.
                           - NSA, MI6 and FBI spy on humans.
                           - Nazi 4  Reich.
                           - Cybernetic Draconian reptilian chimera aliens incarnated in avatars
                            ‘Black Sun’ Nazi SS Schutzstaffel faction.
                           - Nazi Antarctic High Command.
                           - NATO.
                           - United Nations.
                           - EU - European Union.
                           - Richest Arab families.
                           - Pentagon COM-12 bombings and assassination of the Romanovs, a
                            Gnostic Illuminati family.

                           Our enemies outside Earth:
                           - The Triad: Lucifer, Satan and the (removed) Prince of the Earth.
                           - The master fallen angels or Archons.
                           - The Nazis of the Ceres planet. Nazi 4  Reich imperial space fleet and
                            communist Zionist-Satanists are reptilian hybrids. A lot of them are
                            Draconian-Pleiadean  hybrids  and  Draconian-Mantis  hybrids.  They
                            were  manufactured  by  the  Pleiadean  alien  Watcher  fallen  angels
                            mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
                           - Nazi 5  Reich Pleiadean fallen angel aliens.
                           - Draconian reptilian chimera aliens. Millions of Nephilim aliens and
                            chimera aliens are absolutely committed and able to pray Satan and
                            do evil 24 hours a day without sleeping.
                           - Mantis insectoid chimera aliens.
                           - Mars Planet Corporation.
                           - ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) space fleets. ICC is
                            made up of several corporations.
                           - Millions of dollars in technology, spaceships and equipment.
                           - Quintillions of dollars stolen from people or made through Illuminati
                            ‘Black money magick’ given to them by Satan.

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