P. 96
and the unprotected ship was sunk by a German U-boat on 7 May 1915,
near the southern coast of Ireland. Rothschild’s agent Colonel House
knew of this plot, the murder of 1198 innocent people.
Then Illuminati started the Russian Revolution (1917-1923)
financed by the Rothschilds. Their frontman was Lenin, Vladimir Illyc
Ulyanov (1870-1924), whose name is in my list of 33 Degree Highest
Masons. Lenin was Russian and was influenced by Karl Marx (Marx is
in the same list), the founder of Communism. From 1830 to 1835, Marx
did his schooling at Jesuit High School in Trier, Germany, then he was
tutored by Jesuits on the tenets of Communism, as confirmed by ex-
Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera.
The first part of the Russian Revolution broke out in February 1917.
Lenin wasn't just inspired by Marx. His right-hand man, Felix
Dzerzhinsky (1897-1926), who was the head of the Soviet secret police,
was a great admirer of the Jesuits. Lenin readmitted the Jesuits into
Russia in 1922, which is strange because religion was prohibited by
Communism at that time.
The doctrines of Communism were designed by the Jesuits through
their Reductions (missions) in Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries.
They were a series of communes in which Jesuit priests exercised
authority over a group of South American Guarani Indians: “The Jesuits
aimed to set up there a completely communistic system, in the sense that
no individual rights were recognized and there was no private property.
Everything belonged to the State and was supposed to be shared in
common. But in reality, much the greater part of the proceeds of goods
sold was always remitted to the Camarilla (Jesuit superiors) in Europe;
and the Guaranis got only the bare necessities of life in return for their
toil and sweat.” 44
The Jesuits provided the necessary food, clothing and health care the
Indians needed, while using them as ‘worker bees’ to generate income
for the Order. Just like the Soviet Union did in the XXth century, the
Jesuits maintained strict control over the activities of their subjects.
43 Rivera Alberto. Url.
44 Findlater J. (1933). The Revolutionary Movement. Url. https://www.lutheran