P. 97
The Russian Revolution was a Jesuit attack on the country for
revenge. The Bolshevists were the equivalent of the Jacobins during the
French Revolution. Millions of Russian died between 1917 and 1923,
the year the Bolshevists founded the Soviet Union. Now, before we
move on to World War Two, it’s important you take a look at a chain
of events in the U.S.
The Fed and the Wall Street Crash. In 1913, the US Federal
Reserve Bank — the mother of all banks — was founded and owned by
several Illuminati families among which the Rothschilds. The Fed was
set up in 1913, after a tepid opposition from the US government and
three very wealthy people: Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus and
John Jacob Astor. These men were so rich that they could not be bought
so, conveniently, the three most influential opponents of the Fed died
when the Titanic/Olympic sunk.
Less than a year later, the Fed was a done deal. But in the U.S., at
that time, about 21000 banks did not yet fall under the jurisdiction of
the Fed. Between 1914 and 1919 the Fed doubled the money supply,
causing a nationwide increase in lending. In 1920, it flanked the money
supply and 5500 competitive banks went bankrupt. They were bought
by the Fed at ultra-low cost.
Between 1921 and 1929 the Fed increased the money supply again,
loans were everywhere. But on October 23, 1929, 2.6 million shares
were sold frantically. The next day Wall Street was closed and the
money makers understood what had happened. Investors in loans were
forced to sell all their shares. This event became known in history as
the Wall Street Crash.
The Wall Street Crash brought the world on its knees. 16000
competitive non-Fed banks went bankrupt and were bought at a very
low price. The Greatest Robbery in History continued because the Fed
reduced the money supply even further by 30%, causing starvation
throughout the U.S.
The Rothschilds were masters in the manipulation of the stock
market to gain power and wealth at the expense of the people.
Congressman Luis Thomas McFadden (1876-1936) began