P. 99
9 months: September 1836), according to the Rothschilds archives in
London, Maria worked as a maid for Anselm Solomon von Rothschild.
There are two suspects of the rape of Maria: Anselm Solomon von
Rothschild (1803-1874), he was 33 years old at the time and his father,
Solomon Mayer von Rothschild (1774-1855), who was 72 at that time.
Now, their birth chart archives include correspondence between the
son, Anselm, and a Rothschild bank that proves he was in Vienna at the
time of the conceived pregnancy. His father was in Paris.
Secondly, in 1876, when Alois was 14 years old, he inherited a large
sum of money. Solomon von Rothschild died a year and a half prior,
the time needed to pass an estate through the probate court. It was the
same time Alois changed his name to Hitler. Was that a coincidence or
a way to receive the Rothschilds’ inheritance hiding his bloodline?
Officially, the Rothschilds were Jewish (remember they were the
Babylonian Khazars that made a fake conversion to the Jewish faith
under the pressure of the Russian King and became Ashkenazi). Thus,
Adolf Hitler's father was half Jewish, but this could never come to light.
In 1921, the Munich Post intercepted a pamphlet that circulated
among the early members of Hitler's Nazi Party, the NSDAP. The
pamphlet title was: “Adolf Hitler Traitor!”. It dealt with the alleged
Jewish blood in Hitler's veins and accused him to act for Jewish
financers. The newspaper published the pamphlet and when Hitler
became Chancellor, its editors and writers were ended up in
concentration camps.
The Austrian Chancellor, Engelbart Dollfuss (1892-1934)
investigated Hitler's family origins. The first investigation, published in
1932, determined that Hitler's father was illegitimate. The second
determined that Hitler's mother was employed as a domestic servant in
the residence of Baron Rothschild of Vienna. Shortly after, Hitler
ordered the assassination of Dollfuss in 1934.
Now that you know who Hitler was, I return to my storyline. Several
Chancellors came and went, but nobody knew what to do. People lost
faith in democracy and sought help from extreme left, the Communists,
or extreme right, the Nazis. In January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor