Page 51 - engelsk
P. 51
Air Law Aircraft on the ground
You acknowledge a signal by:
- During the day:
By moving the ailerons or rudder.
- At night:
By turning the landing lights on and off twice if such are installed,
otherwise, turn the navigation lights on and off twice.
Presented in a list format, it looks like this:
Signal type Issued to Aircraft on Issued to Aircraft in Air
Green Allowed to take off Allowed to land
Red Stop Give way to other aircraft and
continue in the landing circuit
Green flashes Allowed to taxi Turn back to land or continue
Red flashes Leave the landing area Leave the aerodrome, it is unsuitable
for landing
White flashes Return to the Land and taxi to apron
departure point at the
Firing red flares Landing not allowed, regardless of
previous instructions
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Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 51