Page 53 - engelsk
P. 53

Air Law

          Terminology for airspace

                FIR (Flight Information Region)

                A  defined  airspace  within  which  flight

                information  and  alerting  services  are


                FIA (Flight Information Area)

                A  defined,  uncontrolled  airspace  that  extends  upward  from  a  specified

                boundary over the ground or water surface to a specified upper limit and is
                established in connection with a traffic information zone.

                FIZ (Flight Information Zone)

                A defined, uncontrolled airspace that extends upward from the surface of the

                earth  or  water  to  a  specified  upper  limit  and  is  established  around  an

                uncontrolled aerodrome.

                The  image  shows  the  FIZ  around

                EKVJ,  which  extends  from  the

                surface up to 3500 feet above MSL.

                FIZ is also a RMZ (Radio Mandatory

                Zone), meaning that when the FIZ is

                active, it is mandatory to maintain

                two-way radio communication with Stauning Information.

                ATZ (Aerodrome Traffic Zone)

                A defined airspace established around an aerodrome to protect aerodrome


                ATS Airspace

                Airspace that is alphabetically classified, within which specified types of flight

                are permitted, certain requirements are prescribed, and air traffic services are
                provided (A to G).

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           53
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