Page 52 - engelsk
P. 52
Air Law
1.4.5 Airspace classification
The airspace in Denmark is divided according to a classification that follows
international standards. Letters indicate the classification. Airspace
classifications range from A-G, but in Denmark, we only have C, D, E, and G
At the bottom, we have G airspace from MSL (Mean Sea Level) to 3500 ft above
However, over the North Sea, it extends up to FL 195. In this airspace, there are
control zones (CTR) that extend from the ground to 1500 ft above MSL.
All control zones in Denmark are classified as D airspace.
Above the control zones, we have Terminal Areas (TMA), which are either C or
D airspace and have varying vertical limits.
From 3500 ft up to FL 195, we have E airspace.
Above E airspace, we have C airspace, where VFR flights are only allowed above
FL 195 with the approval of the Danish Civil Aviation Authority. Below are the
rules for VFR flights in different altitudes and airspace types.
Note that for G airspace, there are rules up to 3000 ft MSL and stricter rules
above 3000 ft.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 52