Page 47 - Communication IFR_Neat
P. 47

... for helicopter operations from       * REQUEST DEPARTURE TURN RIGHT (or other
              than the manoeuvring area                LEFT, or CLIMB) (instructions as appropriate)

                                                       AFTER DEPARTURE TURN RIGHT or LEFT, or
                                                       CLIMB, (instructions as appropriate)

              5.51 After take-off                       * REQUEST RIGHT (or LEFT) TURN [WHEN AIRBORNE]

                                                       RIGHT (or LEFT) TURN APPROVED

                                                       WILL ADVISE LATER FOR RIGHT (or LEFT) TURN

                                                       AIRBORNE (time)

                                                       AFTER PASSING (level) (instructions)

              ..... heading to be followed             CONTINUE ON (magnetic direction of runway)
              .. when a specific track is to be        (instructions)
                                                       TRACK (magnetic direction of runway)


                                                       CLIMB STRAIGHT AHEAD (instructions).

              Entering an aerodrome                    * [aircraft type] (position) (level) FOR LANDING
              traffic circuit
                                                       JOIN (position in circuit) (runway number)
                                                       SURFACE] WIND (direction and speed)
                                                       [TEMPERATURE (degrees celsius)] QNH (or

                                                       QFE) (detail) [HECTOPASCALS] [TRAFFIC

                                                       MAKE STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH, RUNWAY
                                                       (number) [SURFACE] WIND (direction and
                                                       speed) [TEMPERATURE (degrees celsius)] QNH

                                                       (or QFE) (detail) [HECTOPASCALS] [TRAFFIC

              … when right hand traffic                JOIN RIGHT HAND (position in circuit)
              circuit in use                           (runway number) [SURFACE WIND (direction
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