Page 3 - JCCI Business Focus 2.3
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uPlIftInG the PeoPle of
south AfrICA
ohan Bosch, CEO of Red cannot believe. One of the retailers
Ant Security Relocation & said that he is living a good life
JEviction Services (Red Ants), now and is making a fantastic
is driven to create jobs that uplift living, his family is prospering.”
the people of South Africa. Red
Ants is a multi-disciplinary Of note, Red Ants has been able
company offering services in to integrate older people back into
the agriculture sector, built the economy as retailers. Some of
environment, farming, security the retailers have also grown their
and sanitation. businesses to employ additional
workers so more families are
The company was founded by being fed.
local entrepreneurs to support
the social, economic and Bosch said, “if we can achieve
infrastructure development that, if small hubs can be created
requirements of South Africa. then numerous jobs can be created.
The company offers the We are on our way to achieving
following services: our aim of 100100 jobs in the next
■ Training in farming and crop 15 months.”
production International Quality summit
■ Civil engineering Award
■ Construction For its efforts, Red Ants was
■ Crop and aquaculture fish Fuzile Balintulo and Johan Bosch of Red Ants, Gauteng Premier David Makhura, Herman Breedt JCCI President awarded an International
farming Quality Summit Award in the
■ Water and sanitation jobs, and people that need food. being farmed in such a way that able to earn more through their Gold Category in New York on
■ Cleaning services “I don’t know what she said to everybody, from the workers, own efforts. 28 May 2018.
■ Emergency and disaster God!” he explains. through to the managers and the “I think that the message we For the last 32 years Business
management He added, “It is important to ask directors, whoever is participating must try and get into South Africa Initiative Directions (BID), led
in the park, participate in profit
■ Turf specialist what we can do to uplift the people sharing.” is that through productivity and by Jose E. Prieto and a group of
■ Security and armed reaction that are around us. If we don’t, we training you can achieve at a much qualified professionals from the
are going no-where.” As a result of this model, higher level.” academic world and from business
The aim of the company The agri-park was started by productivity has increased. He added, “Let’s work with each and engineering sectors, has
is to deliver a one stop all training people, regardless of “Productivity went up as people other, let’s be one race, let’s be been committed to recognising,
encompassing urban management age or literacy levels, from the are working for themselves, one nationality, let’s be one big educating and spreading Quality
support services for human Eikenhof Johannesburg area. not just for someone else. family. At Red farms we are one Culture around the world.
settlements. Today the agri-park is run by They know that the more big family and we stick together The BID Quality Award received
managers who were previously they produce, the more they through thick and thin.”
Agri-park trained there. take home and the more their by Herman Breedt, Red Ants
Bosch started the agri-park families grow.” Further to profit sharing, the Director symbolises “international
component after recovering from In addition, after listening to, Bosch explained further that agri-park has created its own recognition of leadership in
a life-threatening illness. He and identifying the needs of the this model is significant as rather markets by establishing vendors Quality of Red Ant Security
explained that his wife, who is workers, Bosch came up with a than just having continual calls in the township economy. “We Relocation & Eviction Services, for
religious, said that he could not plan to upgrade everybody. He for higher salaries, people should supply them with produce and following the path to continuous
die as there were people that need commented, “The agri-park is be given the opportunity to be these people are selling like you quality improvement.”
outlooK for the south AfrICAn eConoMY
Dr Azar Jammine, GDP growth history relative to However, Jammine identified ■ Opposition to minimum wage whilst free tertiary education for
Director and Chief the world shows this correlation. a number of factors that are legislation and VAT increase most students is to be provided
Economist of The following are potential currently confronting South by the South African Federation ■ Debate around land expropriation
Econometrix, was external factors that could affect Africa’s government (and of Trade Unions (Saftu) that are without compensation is
the key note speaker the global economy. President Ramaphosa), which will opponents of the Congress of deterring investment
at the JCCI’s 128th impact on the economy. South African Trade Unions
Annual General negative: which supports President ■ Focus diverted from attending
Meeting. These are: to the basic structural
■ Positive impact of US tax cuts Ramaphosa impediments to growth
to fade ■ Difficulty of rooting out state ■ Strikes emanating from the ■ Challenge of drawing up a new
ammine ■ Higher interest rates globally capture and corruption bargaining power derived Mining Charter
has ■ Massive global additions to ■ Overcoming mismanagement, from support for President
Jbeen in liquidity being reversed poor governance and the Ramaphosa in the presidential ■ Challenge of funding the
his current ■ High levels of public debt in financial woes of state-owned election National Health Insurance
position since December 1985 and advanced economies enterprises (SOEs) ■ Government has agreed to (NHI) scheme
has established a significant profile ■ Aging populations ■ ANC factionalism which has public sector remuneration In addition to these factors,
in South Africa as an analyst and ■ Increased protectionism reared its head strongly (as has increases that will exceed the consumers will be paying more
commentator on domestic and ■ Imbalance of current account been evident in the provinces of Medium Term Expenditure for municipal services, petrol
international economic affairs. deficits North West and KwaZulu-Natal) and food which increase the
■ Climate change ■ Top six members of the national Forecast for next 3-years by a
In his presentation he ■ Threat to cyber security executive committee (NEC) who cumulative R30bn cost of living for many who are
emphasised that the South are split down the middle in their ■ Education spend per school already struggling financially.
African Gross Domestic Product Positive: allegiance to either President pupil has declined 8% in Rands The forecast growth for South
(GDP) is closely linked to that of ■ Diffusion of nuclear threat in Cyril Ramaphosa or Nkosazana (R17822 in 2010 to R16435 in Africa’s GDP currently sits at
the global GDP. South Africa’s Korean peninsula Dlamini Zuma 2017) or about 40% in real terms 1.4% rising to 1.8% in 2019.