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JCCI AnnuAl ConferenCe
he JCCI Annual ■ Tshegofatso Selepe, Standard the biggest market and retail
Conference took place on Bank Agriculture Advisor infrastructure to grow the urban
Tthe 22 August 2018 with ■ Manoj Seonath, IDC Head of agroprocessing sector. However,
the theme: EXPLORING NEW Agro Processing and in order for urban agriculture to
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Agriculture thrive, Makhura pointed out that
IN URBAN FARMING AND ■ Dr Tracy Ledger, researcher small-scale farmers, such as those
AGRO-PROCESSING - Business and author of An Empty Plate commonly found in township
and Emerging Farmers in ■ Mandla Nkomo, Regional MD areas, need to have access to the
Conversation. for Southern Africa, larger market.
The conference focus was on Solidaridad He called upon big business
the imperative that our economic ■ Dr Naudé Malan, Interactive to participate in supporting
challenges of affordable food, job session facilitator and convener small scale -farmers in order
creation and poverty reduction of iZindaba Zokudla to promote transformation
are confronted. This conference Premier david Makhura in the economy. “We need
was a rallying point for business, big businesses, enterprises, (L-R) Facilitator Prof Malan with the business panel: Andrew Millson –
government, civic society and Gauteng Premier, David the finance sector and even Food Lovers’ Market, Audrey Wainwright – Bryanston Organic Market,
smallholder agriculture to Makhura, used the conference as universities to concentrate on Kobus Pienaar – Woolworths, Gary Jackson – Jackson’s Real Food Market
contribute to the growth and a vehicle to interact with business including the smaller businesses,
development of the Gauteng and to share his plans to integrate especially since our model of
economy. agriculture as a key strategy for transformation, for some time,
economic prosperity. was mostly focussed on big
Topics covered included: He emphasised that while businesses.”
■ the local status quo Gauteng was one of the richest In addition, he emphasised
■ an international perspective provinces in Africa it was also that food production should
■ an examination of existing marred by poverty. take place much closer to where
models of smallholder farming people live in order to ensure that
■ presentations from companies He said, “There must be produce is affordable to all.
representing the supply chain, something wrong if you have
and such a large number of residents Makhura said, “We in Gauteng
who go to bed hungry. Many
■ a facilitated interactive session people go without food for three need to zone land, to preserve
that will develop future out of seven days.” land for food production as
scenarios. part of the vision for the kind of Members of the Farmers’ panel: Fazlur Pandor, Sibongile Cele, Anita Morar ,
Dilip Morar, Prof Malan and Buyambo Mantashe
Gauteng that we want.”
Speakers included: He then highlighted that the
■ JCCI President, Herman Breedt province’s advantage is in having He also commented on the an economy in Gauteng which emerging and commercial
province’s rapid land release is as diverse as our province farmers in produce and livestock,
programme, in which he is, and which is reflective of food processing, representatives
plans to make provincial land all the talents, skills and all of of agricultural NGOs and hubs,
and buildings available for the capabilities of every one agricultural trainers, regional
the development of human of our citizens. Every sector markets and co-operatives.
settlements and for urban needs to reflect this, including The overall objective was
agriculture projects. agriculture.”
to assess local challenges
He explained that releasing face-to-face Interactions and opportunities, identify
these land parcels will provide the financial and legislative
an opportunity for the province The private sector was afforded constraints and chart the way
to rapidly transform its economy an opportunity to have face- forward to ensure cities that
to include small businesses in to-face interactions with the provide health, social justice
all sectors, including that of agricultural community. There and inclusion, employment and
(L-R) Jacki Luthuli – JCCI Vice President, Premier David Makhura, Herman was strong participation from
Breedt – JCCI President, Ernest Mahlaule – JCCI Immediate Past President urban agriculture. “I want to see environmental sustainability.
toP QuAlItY ChIllIes
adipore Farms CC, Dilip Morar looks after the to add another community by the
specialising in the production of the chillies and next season.
Kproduction of top quality other crops. Anita Morar takes
Anita says, “Farming is not a
chillies, is run by the Morar care of the orders and the pack cool career. To be a good farmer
family. shed duties. All produce that you need the support of your
is harvested or delivered is
“Kadipore Farms was started cleaned and packed as per each family. You have to be dedicated
in the summer season of 1995 by customer’s requirements. to the farm. It is hard work and
mistake,” says Anita Morar. At requires perseverance. Success
that time Anita’s husband, Dilip Their sons are also involved. is nothing but a few disciplines
Morar, was a member of the local Jasveer Morar does the deliveries practiced daily.”
co-operative in the area. and marketing of the business Kadipore Farms CC is a
while Bhavesh Morar does the
“He went to a meeting and came capturing of invoices. participant in the Johannesburg
back with 300 chilli plants.” Chamber of Commerce and
This season 50 000 seedlings Industry Export Incubator
Anita explained further, “That will be planted on 1.5 hectares Programme.
afternoon we dug the fields of land.
with one gardener and planted “This is also an ongoing
the seedlings.” The business now employs 11 process, we are still learning and
permanent workers. Anita says, should start exporting various
When the chillies were ready “All workers are trained from the chilli products in the near future,
for the marketplace, the Morars beginning to ensure that they explained Anita.
started selling door to door and become confident about the tasks
“My gratitude to the Almighty.
also sold the produce at local they are given.” My family members and my
flea markets.
Kadipore Farms is now also mentors and customers who
At present Kadipore Farms involved with one community in helped in making Kadipore
Anita Morar CC is a family business. growing of the chillies and plans Farms CC a success.”