Page 187 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 187


                habir  Tayob  is  the  chief  executive  officer   generating income.  These early experiences laid   and humility are setting the stage for the next
                of the Supertech Group,  KwaZulu Natal’s   the foundation for Shabir’s sharp business acumen   generation of Supertech.”
                largest BMW dealership group. For Shabir,   and innovative thinking.
         Sleading the group is about far more                                                             ENHANCING LIVES
          than selling cars, it is about creating meaningful   AN EVER-GROWING LEGACY
                                                                                                          At the heart of the Supertech Group is an
          connections and unforgettable experiences for
                                                          Shabir’s entry into the automotive industry was   unwavering commitment to its customers. Shabir’s
          every customer who engages with the brand.
                                                          as unexpected as it was transformative. “In 2007,   guiding philosophy is simple yet profound: “Our
          Shabir’s journey in the BMW world began in 2007   I attended  a BMW  X5  launch  at the Supertech   customers are at the heart of what we do. Every
          when he purchased a modest 8.5% share in the    dealership. While sharing a Coke with the owner,   experience we facilitate, every service we provide,
          then Supertech Durban dealership.  With a clear   Mr. Dada, I was asked if I wanted to buy a share,”   is about enhancing their lives.”
          vision for growth and  innovation, he acquired   Shabir recounts.  “I jokingly said,  ‘Why not?’  The   This dedication to customer satisfaction is evident
          100% ownership in 2012. Over the next three     next day, Mr. Dada called to see if I was serious.”
                                                                                                          in initiatives like Supertech Torque events, which
          years, he transformed the group, expanding it from
                                                          That casual conversation turned into the first step   celebrate the BMW M community and foster a sense
          one dealership to six and growing the workforce
                                                          of an ever-growing legacy. As part of a six-person   of belonging among customers. For the Supertech
          to over 500 people across Durban, Pinetown,
                                                          group purchasing 49% of the dealership, Shabir   Group, the journey is about more than delivering
          Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle, Shelly Beach, and
                                                          began his journey in the automotive industry.   luxury vehicles, it’s about creating a lifestyle that
          East London.
                                                          By 2012, he had taken full ownership, marking   customers are proud to be part of.
          REMARKABLE GROWTH                               the start of a transformation that would redefine   Shabir attributes his success to the values instilled
                                                          Supertech’s place in the market.
          This  remarkable growth  has always been  more                                                  by his father, who served as his mentor during 20
          than just numbers. For Shabir, it is about building   Under Shabir’s leadership, the Supertech Group   years in the family’s transport business. “My dad
          a legacy rooted in community and customer       has set new standards in the automotive industry.   taught me that in order to be successful, I needed
          satisfaction.  “Our  purpose  is  to  deliver  not  just   From one of the first green star rated dealerships   to be passionate, motivated, and dedicated. These
          cars, but exceptional experiences,” Shabir explains.   in Durban to the innovative MINI dealership in   qualities make a successful man, not money,”
          “Every interaction with the Supertech Group     Pinetown, each location reflects a commitment to   Shabir shares.
          should leave a lasting impression. It’s about   cutting-edge technology, customer-first service,   For Shabir, leadership is a responsibility that
          passion, world-class service, and crafting moments   and the essence of the BMW experience.
                                                                                                          extends beyond business growth. It’s about
          our customers will treasure.”
                                                          Key to this success is Shabir’s son, Ubaid Tayob, who   supporting the families employed by Supertech
          Born in Pietermaritzburg to a family that owned   serves as the group’s managing director. Ubaid has   and ensuring that the legacy being built will
          a transport business, Shabir grew up with values   been instrumental in driving the company forward,   endure for generations. “Leaving a lasting impact
          of humility and respect, these are principles that   aligning operational excellence with the group’s   is what defines true leadership,” he says.
          continue to guide his leadership today.         purpose and vision.
                                                                                                          As the Supertech Group continues its remarkable
          From a young age, Shabir displayed a natural    From introducing the MySupertechWorld app,      journey, it remains steadfast in its purpose:
          entrepreneurial spirit.  “I started working at 15,   which transcends automotive expectancies and   delivering  experiences  that  inspire,  excite,  and
          holding a part-time job at my father’s transport   enhances customer engagement, to curating the   connect. Under the leadership of Shabir and Ubaid
          company,” he recalls. “I saved my money, bought   Supertech Lifestyle, Ubaid is leading the group   Tayob, Supertech is not just a dealership group,
          an arcade machine, and struck a deal with a local   into a future of innovation and visionary strategy.   it’s a movement, a lifestyle, and a family. Together,
          store to split the profits.”  This venture quickly   “Ubaid is taking Supertech to new heights,” Shabir   they are crafting a legacy that will resonate for
          grew into a network of 20 arcade machines, each   says proudly.  “His dedication, business acumen,   generations to come.

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