Page 191 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 191


                   hris  Tyson, the chief executive       He says,  “Having started business and being    a strong focus on doing the right thing are key
                   officer  of  Tyson Properties, has had   actively  involved  for  almost  20  years,  I  consider   to  overcoming  such  challenges. “If  you  put  your
                   a  longstanding  relationship  with  the   the team at Tyson Properties as part of my family.”   head down, focus on what you’re doing, and make
         C real estate industry, beginning long           He reflects, “I know most of the team individually,   sure you always do the right thing, you will get
          before he took the helm of his company in 2015.   and for me it’s a big why to get up in the morning   through them,” he asserts. These experiences have
          His connection to the field traces back to his   and go to work and actually experience a very   reinforced his belief in the importance of resilience
          childhood, where his first exposure came from   different environment. It’s not just a job for me, it’s   and maintaining a steady focus during tough times.
          sitting in the car while his mother conducted show   something so much more…”                   Motivating the team at Tyson Properties, especially
          houses. This early experience sparked a lifelong                                                in recent years, has been extremely important. The
          interest in real estate and laid the foundation   VALUES AND ETHICS                             fluctuating interest rates and an unpredictable
          for his career. As Tyson Properties approaches its   When asked about his proudest accomplishment,   market have made it difficult to maintain consistent
          20th year, Chris reflects on the journey with pride   Chris comments on the cumulative successes   morale.  “Just when we think it’s getting better, it
          and a deep sense of commitment to the industry.
                                                          over the years rather than  a single  event. “After   slumps back down again,” Chris observes. Despite
          Before diving into the world of real estate,    20 years of owning your own business, you have   these challenges, he remains optimistic. Chris
          Chris’s first job was in a completely different   some very high highs and some very low lows,” he   believes  that with  recent  developments,  including
          environment. After finishing school, he decided   notes. Among the highs are winning prestigious   elections and infrastructure improvements, the
          to take a gap year and worked as a barman at a   international awards and gaining recognition from   market will stabilise.  “We’re looking forward to a
          hotel in Grahamstown, primarily serving students   industry peers for the company he has built. “It’s   more motivated environment to work in,” he says,
          from Rhodes University. This experience, though   all based on values and ethics,” Chris emphasises,   acknowledging that motivation requires continuous
                                                                                                          effort and adaptation to changing circumstances.
          far removed from the real estate sector, was    expressing his pride in the company’s adherence
          invaluable in teaching him the importance of hard   to these principles. This focus on ethical behaviour   PROMISING DEVELOPMENTS
          work,  customer  service,  and  adaptability.  These   and long-term thinking has been a cornerstone of
          skills would later prove essential as he navigated   Tyson Properties’ growth and success.      Chris has an optimistic vision for KwaZulu-Natal
          the challenges of running his own business.                                                     over the next five years. Despite facing significant
                                                          Throughout his career, Chris has adhered to a piece
                                                          of advice that has significantly shaped his approach   challenges, including storms and infrastructure issues,
          PRIMARY MOTIVATION                                                                              he sees promising  developments on the  horizon.
                                                          to business:  “How you conduct yourself today
          Chris’s drive is deeply rooted in his commitment   will determine how your business grows in years   “The right people are being put in place to ensure
                                                                                                          that  service  delivery  is  restored,”  he  says,  expressing
          to his family who serve as his main source of   to come.”  This guidance has influenced his every   confidence in the province’s future. He believes that
          inspiration.  “My family inspires me the most.   action, encouraging him to behave in a way that   with improving infrastructure and stabilising interest
          They are my why and it’s a big why,” he explains,   aligns with his personal and professional values.   rates, KwaZulu-Natal will see strong  market growth.
          highlighting that they are the primary motivation   “I’ve always been very mindful to behave in a certain   “We’re continuously looking at our business in Durban
          behind his professional efforts.                way to make sure that whatever I do is done to the   to ensure we grow in the right direction,” Chris states.
                                                          best of my ability and with a strong personal belief
          The pride his family takes in his accomplishments,   to always do the right thing,” he reflects.   Chris lives by a simple yet powerful motto: “How
          particularly his son’s reactions, deeply inspires                                               you conduct yourself will determine how your
          him. “When he makes comments like, ‘Dad, I saw   SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGES                         business continues to grow.” This principle, which
          a YouTube advert for Tyson Properties,’ or notices                                              he mentioned earlier, guides his actions both
          our boards on the side of the road, it makes me   Chris identifies two major challenges that    personally and professionally.
          very proud and motivates me,” shared Chris.     have  defined  his  career:  the  financial  crisis  of
                                                          2007 and the Covid-19 pandemic. Both events     In conclusion, Chris  Tyson’s journey with  Tyson
          However, his sense of responsibility extends    posed significant financial challenges, creating   Properties is a testament to his dedication, resilience,
          beyond his immediate family. For Chris,  Tyson   uncertainty about the future of his business. “You   and commitment to values. As  Tyson Properties
          Properties is more than just a job; it represents a   find yourself wondering,  ‘How on earth are you   approaches its 20th year, Chris remains focused on
          significant part of his life’s work and a community   going to go from today till tomorrow?’” he recalls.   leading the company with integrity and optimism
          he deeply cares about.                          However, Chris believes that perseverance and   for the future.
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