Page 193 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 193


              ohan van Deventer is the regional manager for   thereby deepening client relationships, and ensuring   others  while adapting leadership  approaches to  suit
              LabourNet in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). He began   sustained loyalty.                             different employees, contexts, and challenges within
              his academic pursuits at Birchleigh Hoërskool                                               the business landscape.
         Jin Kempton Park, matriculating in 1993. Johan   Expanding on this  concept, Johan emphasizes the
          continued his education at  Technikon Pretoria,   strategic partnership role that LabourNet undertakes   A DIVERSE CULTURE
          which has since been renamed  Tswane University   with businesses. He explains, “The goal is not merely
          of  Technology, where he earned qualifications in   ensuring compliance with employment laws but also   LabourNet recognises the value of fostering a diverse
          human resource and public personnel management.   equipping these enterprises with the tools to secure a   corporate culture, understanding that it brings forth
          Additionally, he obtained an advanced diploma   competitive advantage in an ever-evolving business   many perspectives crucial for addressing challenges
          in labour law from Rand Afrikaans University, now     environment. By helping businesses excel and achieve   and obstacles. Embracing the philosophy that “the
          known as the University of Johannesburg.        high performance, LabourNet plays a crucial role in job   answer is in the room”,  LabourNet encourages
                                                          creation and bolstering the overall economy.”   inclusivity, leveraging the collective wisdom and
          Johan embarked on his professional career as                                                    experiences of its diverse workforce to devise
          a labour law consultant at Manpower Labour      Reflecting on his 20-year tenure, Johan views   innovative solutions.
          Consultants, located in Centurion. In this role, he   all  achievements  as  cumulative  milestones  that
          provided consulting services to clients, focusing on   collectively contribute to the current success of his   As a leader within the organisation, Johan prioritises
          labour relations issues. His capabilities led to a new   endeavours. “Each small daily achievement is a step   transparency and open communication to effectively
          role within the company as a facilitator of labour   towards broader goals, and I prefer to celebrate   manage conflicts and obstacles. By fostering an
          relations programmes for a subsidiary, a position he   the cumulative impact of these efforts rather than   environment where team members feel empowered
          held for approximately four years.              individual accolades,” he shares.               to voice their concerns and ideas, Johan ensures that
                                                                                                          issues are addressed promptly and collaboratively.
          Following his tenure at Manpower Labour Consultants,   Johan acknowledges that the most valuable advice   He stresses the importance of setting realistic goals
          Johan ventured into entrepreneurship by founding   he has received pertains to the distinction between   and clarifying roles to overcome obstacles.
          Kazini Consulting, a firm he managed for three years. His   being a manager and a leader.  He emphasizes, “While
          entrepreneurial journey shifted when he encountered   managers may elicit compliance through directives,   Johan firmly believes in leading by example and instill-
          an opportunity with LabourNet, prompting a strategic   true  leadership  inspires  voluntary  commitment  from   ing confidence in his team members. He underscores
          career move to join the organisation.           teams who share the leader’s values and vision.”   the importance of flexibility in adapting strategies to
                                                          Furthermore, Johan highlights the significance of   navigate  unpredictable  circumstances,  recognising
          Approximately six months after joining LabourNet,   recognising one’s limitations and leveraging the   the dynamic nature of the business environment.
          Johan relocated from Johannesburg to KZN to lead   collective strengths of a team to achieve shared goals.   Additionally, Johan advocates for promoting work-life
          the Durban office, that was situated in Pinetown at the   He underscores the importance of being open to input   balance to prevent employee burnout, understanding
          stage.  His leadership has been integral to the office’s   from team members, as their diverse perspectives   its role in sustaining motivation and productivity
          operations and development. In February 2024, Johan   often contribute to successful outcomes.  within the team.
          marked a significant milestone, celebrating 20 years of
          service with LabourNet, highlighting his commitment   Transitioning from a managerial mindset to that   Johan finds inspiration in the success stories of South
          and substantial contributions to the company’s growth   of a leader has been an ongoing journey for   African entrepreneurs, recognising their resilience
          and success in the region.                      Johan, characterised by continuous learning and   and fighting spirit as a source of motivation.
                                                          development. He actively seeks to  enhance his
          CHANGING THE WORLD OF WORK                      leadership skills through reading books and watching   In his vision for business in KZN, Johan advocates
                                                          videos  on  the  subject.  Johan  commented  on  the   for an approach that prioritises the empowerment
          Johan embodies his own purpose through LabourNet’s   value of drawing insights from various sources, “as   of emerging small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
          and embraces the concept of ‘Changing the World of   no single resource can encompass all aspects of   in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing,
          Work’. He aims to provide employees with compelling   effective leadership”. He views this process as a means   and tourism. He envisions LabourNet assisting
          reasons to engage with their work beyond financial   of accumulating a wealth knowledge and leadership   the local economy and generating employment
          compensation. By fostering a work culture that   principles that can be customised and applied to   opportunities by optimising HR processes for SMEs
          resonates with employees’ values and aspirations,   achieve success in business and beyond.     and  providing  guidance  on  navigating  legislative
          Johan believes that employees will be more satisfied                                            and compliance complexities.
          and  will deliver their highest quality of work out   Johan expresses gratitude for LabourNet’s embracing
          of genuine enthusiasm  and alignment with the   leadership strategies such as higher-level servant   In conclusion, Johan’s motto is to  “arrive with a
          organisation’s objectives. This, in turn, enhances team   leadership  and  situational  leadership.  These  frame-  purpose and to leave with a sense of achievement”,
          synergy and effectiveness in realising the shared vision,   works align with his ethos of empowering and serving   which applies to all aspects of his life.
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