Page 189 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 189


                    oses  Tembe, chairman of Bellamont    is important to have the courage and belief to pursue   INSPIRING OTHERS
                    Investments, attributes much of his   big dreams. He says, “Accept no limits and maintain
                    success  to  a  belief  in  the  power  of   a forward-thinking mentality, hard work, service to   Moses’s approach is undoubtedly shaped by his
         Mcommunity impact and a sincere                  mankind and godliness constitute a bedrock upon   faith, which he regards as an essential component of
          dedication to God, family, and his fellow citizens. In   which sustainable success must be built.”  his personal and professional philosophy. “Proverbs
          a world often dominated by profit-driven motives,                                               and Psalms remain the major inspirational sword I
                                                          In addition, Moses acknowledges that the path he   use to conquer,” he says, finding solace and strength
          Moses stands out as an entrepreneur guided by
                                                          has chosen is not without its challenges, particularly   in the teachings that emphasise hard work, humility,
          the principles of service and giving back.
                                                          the balancing act of being a capitalist “without real   and kindness. For Moses, success is not simply
          Moses’s career journey is rooted in humble      capital”. He notes, “One would have accomplished   about wealth or recognition but about building a
          beginnings. After matriculating from Menzi High   more if financial institutions focused more on the   legacy rooted in values that inspire others to uplift
          School in Umlazi in 1979, he pursued a bachelor’s   opportunity and its viability and less on balance   themselves and their communities.
          in public administration and political science at the   sheets and equity.” For Moses, access to finance and
          University of South Africa, followed by a course in   capital is a challenge that emerging entrepreneurs   His message to fellow entrepreneurs and leaders
                                                                                                          is profound. He says, “The more you make service
          financial management, which was managed by the   continue to face, as these remain a significant
          University of Cape Town.                        barrier in South Africa. Moses believes passionately   to people your primary business, the more
                                                                                                          likely you will be noticed, and opportunities will
                                                          that a change in the financial landscape is critical for
          Whilst studying, Moses worked as a Clerk of the                                                 come to you.” This belief is embedded in his core
                                                          budding entrepreneurs to achieve their potential.
          Court  from  1980  to  1983.  He  then  moved  to  the                                          values, evident in the ways he has managed his
          KwaZulu Development Corporation and became      GIVING BACK                                     businesses, approached new opportunities, and
          the chief credit controller.                                                                    interacted with the communities he serves. It is
                                                          Throughout his career, Moses has prioritised giving   a philosophy that recognises the importance of
          DIVERSIFIED APPROACH                            back to his community, practising what he calls   each individual’s role in contributing to the larger
                                                          his  “80/20 principle” – 80% work and 20% time   society, a vision that Moses has diligently worked
          In 1990, Moses took the leap into full-time entre-
                                                          invested in improving the environment in which he   toward through his many leadership roles and
          preneurship, a decision that would eventually
                                                          operates. His extensive record of pro-bono service is   business ventures.
          lead him to found Bellamont Investments and the
                                                          a testament to this commitment. Moses has served
          Bellamont Group of Companies. This group, built on   in numerous roles, including secretary general of   This  philosophy  has  also  opened  numerous
          six pillars – Property Development and Construction                                             doors for him and allowed him to build lasting
                                                          KwaZulu-Natal  NAFCOC,  president  of  the  Durban
          (Afrostructures), Industrial Holdings includes Geochem   Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and board   relationships across industries. In the past, he has
          brand and IFS facilities management, Energy and                                                 had the opportunity of serving on listed companies
                                                          member of the South African Chamber of Commerce
          Telecommunications, Mining, Gaming, and Asset   United Kingdom and of the KZN National Business   in the capacity of chairperson of Phumelela Gaming
          Management – has managed to thrive even in tough                                                and as board member for KZN Tsogo Sun, Mr Price
                                                          Initiative. Additionally, he currently co-chairs the
          economic times.                                                                                 and Santova Logistics.
                                                          KZN Growth Coalition, a partnership dedicated to
          Moses’s diversified approach with Bellamont has   fostering economic growth and development in the   In summary, Moses exemplifies a form of entre-
          allowed his businesses to weather economic      region. Further, his contributions to initiatives like the   preneurship that is seldom seen but greatly
          downturns  and   industry-specific  challenges.  Durban Infrastructure Development  Trust and the   needed. By leveraging his resources and net-
          However, he reflects on this approach with mixed   eThekwini Greater Foundation reflect a commitment   works, he continues to make a difference in KZN
          feelings. “I sometimes regret that I never had the   to not only growing businesses but also nurturing   and beyond. He remains steadfast in his pursuit
          courage and ambition to focus on one industry and   communities. This is especially relevant in KwaZulu-  of a prosperous and equitable South Africa,
          make a big name of it,” he admits. With this hindsight,   Natal, the province to which he is personally   setting an example for future generations. His
          he now advises young entrepreneurs to stay      committed. Moses envisions a KwaZulu-Natal that is   story reminds us that when business and service
          committed to their mission and to avoid becoming   “all-round successful”, and he is determined to work   intersect, not only does an entrepreneur thrive,
          overly distracted by diversification. He added that it   with various stakeholders to see this vision realised.  but so too does the community around him.
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