Page 55 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 55


              oudalle Govender, chief executive officer of   Joudalle takes pride in the culture of collaboration   and the bad with my team,” she explains. “Everyone
              Argento  Trading 177cc, traces her journey   she has cultivated. She values the ability to bring   on the floor has a say; we stop production when
              back to a leap of faith and a desire to help   100 women into a room and foster unity and   necessary to discuss issues openly.” She also
         Jpeople.  “I started this journey after feeling   teamwork. “We’ve come a long way, considering   makes a point to get to know each team member
          unfulfilled in my corporate career,” Joudalle recalls.   we weren’t initially in retail,” she reflects. The fact   personally.  “Someone once told  me I’d never
          She was raised in the northern region of KwaZulu-  that Argento  is now  trusted  to  produce  apparel   remember all their names, but I know each of the
          Natal before moving to Johannesburg, where she   for prestigious events like the Comrades Marathon   112 employees by name, and I make it my duty
          worked for a major corporate company. In 2014, she   and the Olympics is a testament to the company’s   to be genuinely engaged,” she shares.  Joudalle’s
          decided to return to  her hometown, recognising   progress.  “Every day brings small accomplish-  hands-on approach fosters a sense of unity and
          that her corporate role no longer aligned with her   ments, whether it’s turning around an order or   trust, turning Argento’s factory into more than just
          purpose. Her husband, nearing retirement, owned a   simply seeing our team get better at what we do,”     a workplace – it is a community.
          company called Argento and had an empty building.   she adds.
          “I persuaded him to let me take over Argento, and                                               Joudalle admits she doesn’t look to traditional idols
          he kindly obliged,” Joudalle explains. This was the   Joudalle finds the best  advice she’s received   or public figures for inspiration.  “I’ve never been
          start of Argento Trading in 2016, launching with a   was: “Be yourself.” She explains that early  on, she   one for celebrity culture or brands; I prefer to look
          team of three.                                  struggled to adapt to her rising profile and frequent   inward,” she reflects. Instead, she finds inspiration
                                                          networking engagements. “I was more comfortable   in her own journey and in the dedication of her
          The company’s growth trajectory was rapid and   on the factory floor than in a conference room,” she   team.  “Seeing my team members arrive at work,
          impactful.  “By 2018, we were selected for Hesto   admits. However, a mentor advised her to embrace   sometimes travelling two hours on difficult roads
          Harnesses’ Supplier Development (SD) programme,”   her authenticity, which grounded her in the belief   just to  be there, motivates  me every  day.”  Their
          says Joudalle. By 2020, Argento was recognised as   that being true to oneself is a key component of   determination fuels her resolve to improve Argento
          a preferred  supplier, expanding to 12  employees   leadership.  “I might get caught up in the noise   continuously and foster a supportive environment.
          and gaining opportunities with high-profile clients.   around me, but I always come back to being myself,”   “I couldn’t call myself a good leader if I wasn’t
          A year later, Argento received support from the   she says.                                     inspired by the people I work with daily.”
          Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), allowing
          the company to grow to 65 employees and extend   VALUABLE LESSONS                               SUSTAINABLE GROWTH
          its facilities. “Today, we have a team of 112, and we’re
          building a new space to accommodate an additional   According to Joudalle, rapid growth has been   For Joudalle, the future of Argento is not about
          100 employees,” she notes. A strategic partner to    her most significant challenge.  While Argento’s   aggressive expansion but rather sustainable growth.
          Mr  Price  Sport  and  preferred  partner  to  Hesto   affiliation with automotive giant Hesto Harnesses   “Bigger isn’t always better,” she asserts. She envisions
          Harnesses, Argento also recently won a contract for   instilled valuable lessons in discipline and proactive   a factory of about 250 employees, managed
          Isuzu South Africa, another significant milestone.  planning, the company’s expansion introduced   sustainably and committed to the development
                                                          new  obstacles. “Capacity  became  an  issue  as  our   of each team member.  “Sustaining relationships
          For Joudalle, her purpose in business goes beyond   production needs tripled in the last nine months,”   with our current clients over the next five years is
          profit. “It’s about sustainability – sustaining what     she notes.  To address this, Argento introduced a   crucial, and we want to improve in all areas, from
          I’ve created,” she shares. Although she acknow-  double  shift and optimised resources through  a   processes to skill development.” She believes the
          ledges that she is still discovering her purpose,   24-hour operation. “We’re now moving into a new   manufacturing industry offers ample opportunities
          Joudalle feels that she’s drawing closer to iden-  phase with an additional 1,000 square metres to   and hopes Argento will continue to thrive without
          tifying it by nurturing relationships and investing   meet growing demand,” she explains.  Training   compromising its principles.
          in personal growth. “I don’t see myself as a boss,”   was also essential; in 2022, Argento launched a
          she explains.  “I want to be a leader who helps   programme for local talent, ultimately hiring 12   “Be good, do good, and you’ll get good,” Joudalle
          people grow.” This sense of purpose is evident in   skilled operators who now contribute to the main   says simply. This motto reflects her commitment to
          her commitment to creating a positive workplace   production lines.                             integrity, positive impact, and a balanced approach
          culture and ensuring that Argento is a space where                                              to business. Joudalle remains focused on creating
          people can thrive.  Joudalle  added, “I  believe  that   Joudalle emphasises the importance of direct   a workplace that is productive and a source of
          every day is an opportunity to make a positive im-  engagement to keep her team motivated. “I’m on   empowerment for the people who make  Argento
          pact in a world that can sometimes feel daunting.”  the factory floor all the time, sharing both the good   what it is.
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