Page 57 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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elson Govender, the chief executive officer and I bought it as an investment and, more so, as a Nelson and his team are now challenging them-
and chairman of the board at LHL Engineer- property investment,” Nelson explained. selves to become world-class players in steel
ing, embodies the essence of determination, fabrication, driving continuous improvement
N hard work, and strategic leadership. A SOLID REPUTATION through collaboration with global businesses and
other industry players. Despite funding challenges,
Nelson’s humble beginnings instilled in him an He further commented that despite buying a failing Nelson has strategically managed finances, ensuring
unwavering drive to succeed. After losing his business, he was determined not to retrench any permanent staff are always fully paid, celebrating
parents, he was adopted by his aunt and uncle, of its eighty employees. His vision focuses on successes, and promoting a culture of accountability
who provided him with love, care, and support providing essential services, creating employment and value addition. “We have a theory that we follow:
for his education. He attended St. Xavier’s Primary opportunities, and supporting the community. To everyone has to be accountable for their actions and
School and completed his matric at Verulam ensure the business stabilised and grew, Nelson their output,” Nelson remarked.
High School in 1979, on a government grant. and his team refocused the company’s direction
Much of his journey has been driven by his early and transformed its operations. “We do business Nelson does not accept a “we’ve always done it like
experiences and the desire to create a legacy for with the right certification and all the qualifications that” mindset among his staff when responding to
his family. Nelson emphasises that he does not required in our sector,” he remarked. queries. Instead, he encourages critical thinking,
want his children to face the same difficulties he innovation, and a solutions-oriented approach to
has encountered in his life. The company has built a solid reputation for its address challenges and improve processes.
management, product quality, and services,
COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE specialising in the fabrication, refurbishment, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE
and installation of stainless steel and other exotic
Nelson’s academic pursuits earned him a number of materials. When asked who inspires him, Nelson explains that
certificates and diplomas in supervisory manage- while his family is an important source of motivation,
ment, quality management, industrial engineering, Under Nelson’s leadership, LHL Engineering has he cannot single out any particular person. “There’s
work study, production management, mechanical achieved remarkable growth, increasing turnover no single person that inspires me, for sure, but I am
engineering, and advanced business management. from 12 million rand to nearly 100 million rand in fully aware of the happenings around me. In other
His professional journey began as a laboratory under eight years. He explained, “I came from a words, I look at people who achieve and see if I can
assistant at Sasol in Secunda, followed by a stint as very difficult background, and during that process, learn from their accomplishments.”
a trainee mechanical engineer. He then transitioned you have a lot of naysayers. For me, extricating
back to the chemical industry, rising from a junior myself from a poverty-stricken background and Furthermore, Nelson derives much motivation from
position to become a shareholder and director in a succeeding in what I’ve set out to achieve is really his activities centred on growing and mentoring
chemical business. my proudest accomplishment.” people, which he undertakes regularly.
Nelson’s progress, despite being an Indian during the Reflecting on the best advice he has ever received Commenting on his vision for the future of KwaZulu-
apartheid years in South Africa, is a testament to his and its influence on him, Nelson says that while it is Natal, Nelson says, “As a country, we are struggling
outspoken nature, commitment to excellence, and important to learn from the past, one must always because we lack large new businesses and have not
continuous pursuit of improvement. He has always look to the future. “One of my senior managers been successful in beneficiating our raw materials.
sought to learn from others, travelling the world said to me, ‘Focusing on the rearview mirror will We need the government to identify these
to gain exposure to world-class standards, which lead to accidents,’ which is a fact. What he meant beneficiation opportunities with businesses and
helped make his chemical manufacturing plant one was that while we need to learn from the past, create globally sustainable enterprises that can
of the best globally. we should focus on the present and see how we compete in the global market. In the absence of
can shape the future. I believe strongly that your economies of scale, I believe that manufacturing
In 2013, Nelson left to pursue personal oppor- heritage does not define your future.” businesses will not succeed in South Africa.”
tunities, leveraging the sale of his shares and
savings from side ventures in mechanics to Nelson has not been immune to the challenges Nelson’s motto is “Nothing is impossible”. He draws
become the owner and CEO of his own engineering faced by many small businesses in KwaZulu-Natal. inspiration from Tata Nelson Mandela, who said,
business and other enterprises. He noted that one of the biggest challenges is “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” As
accessing funding in South Africa, which is ex- he continues to drive his company toward new
LHL Engineering was established in February 1969 tremely difficult to obtain. To manage the business’s heights, Nelson remains focused on creating a
as a support company for the German-imported LHL finances, the company has focused on saving and sustainable future for his industry and his com-
axle used in the logistics industry. “The company strategically investing to improve cash availability munity, proving that true success lies in the
was successful until 2013 but then started failing, and debt ratings. relentless pursuit of excellence.