Page 61 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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heolan Govender, the regional manager for as when he and his wife completed their MBAs The economic downturn, compounded by pandemic-
Afrisam in KwaZulu-Natal, has a background cum laude, their children were one and three years related issues, loadshedding, illegal mining and
rooted in Isipingo, south of Durban. His journey old. He said, “This effectively taught us to manage the complexities related to licence to operate, have
Tbegan at local schools before he moved life situations, but still meet academic and work placed significant pressure on the construction
on to Thomas Moore College in Kloof thereafter expectations.” Currently, Theolan is completing his materials industry. Despite these challenges, Theolan
matriculating at Isipingo Secondary School in 1998. doctoral studies, aiming to contribute to the field remains focused on motivating his team and driving
of leadership and talent management. performance. “My formula for team motivation lies in
Theolan pursued a national diploma at the Durban six areas,” Theolan explained, detailing the importance
University of Technology (formerly Natal Technicon), LEADERSHIP AND VISION of understanding roles, developing actionable plans,
which was a crucial stepping stone in his career, assisting with challenges, having the crucial conver-
where he gained technical expertise. He then In his current role as regional manager for KwaZulu- sations, aligning team development goals, and cele-
completed in-service training at South African Natal, Theolan oversees all aggregates and ready-mix brating both successes and failures.
Breweries, sharpening his practical skills in a real- operations. His responsibilities are extensive, includ-
world setting. ing managing profit and loss, implementing business Theolan draws inspiration from the resilience of
strategies to sustain and grow the company, whilst people during economic hardships, finding moti-
Theolan’s career officially began with a building admin- ensuring compliance to stringent safety regulations. vation in their ability to persevere despite adversity.
istrative position at Holcim (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd in His role also involves close collaboration with govern- This inspiration drives his doctoral research, which
Johannesburg. He quickly took on responsibilities in ment entities managing compliance activities. “Lead- aims to improve the relationship between employer
facilities management, a role that involved stakeholder ing and managing our people in KwaZulu-Natal to and employee. “The outcomes of this study will
engagement, safety oversight, project management achieve both development and business objectives assist in developing a transformational leadership
and extensive networking with various teams. are significant but crucial parts of my role,” Theolan model for talent management and psychological
Reflecting on this foundational experience, Theolan shared, highlighting his commitment to both organ- contract for South African construction materials
remarked, “This job was the building block in terms isational success and employee development. companies,” he noted.
of where I am today, simply because it was part of my
passion to work with people on the ground.” Theolan’s leadership style is deeply influenced by Looking ahead, Theolan is optimistic about the
advice that has guided him throughout his career: future of business in KwaZulu-Natal. With the region
His performance at Holcim did not go unnoticed. “Hold yourself responsible for higher standards experiencing a significant increase in employment
Within just two years, Theolan was recognised with than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse within the construction industry, he believes that
the ‘Holcim Best Employee’ award, a testament to his yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master the next decade will remain busy with infrastructure
hard work and determination. This accolade led to to yourself and be lenient to everyone else.” This projects, offering ample opportunities for growth and
his transition into a project engineer role at Holcim philosophy has shaped Theolan into a transform- development. “My thoughts are that KwaZulu-Natal is
in 2007, where he continued to build his expertise in ational leader who believes in leading with influence, currently the region to be in for many skills and trades,”
engineering and management. By 2012, Theolan had allowing his team to take ownership of their he said, emphasising the importance of managing
risen to the position of regional engineering manager processes and goals. He emphasises the importance operations effectively, improving bottom-line per-
for the aggregates and ready-mix business units, of setting clear expectations, providing support, and formance, and investing in responsible expansion.
thereafter being promoted to national engineering fostering an environment where team members feel
manager, overseeing engineering activities on all empowered to contribute and excel. Theolan also highlights the need for continuous
operations across the country. improvement and adaptability in the face of
From a business perspective, Theolan takes great changing market conditions. He is focused on devel-
Recognising the importance of continuous learning, pride in the development of employee skills, par- oping strategies that will ensure the long-term success
Theolan pursued further education while advancing ticularly during challenging economic times. “To of his business units, while also contributing to the
in his career. He completed a Bachelor of Technology have realised the implementation of a development broader economic development of the region.
degree in 2015, which enabled him to register as strategy and reaping the positive effects on our
a Professional Engineering Technologist with the employees ... makes me the proudest,” he stated, In closing, Theolan shared his personal motto,
Engineering Council of South Africa. His academic underscoring his commitment to nurturing talent inspired by Winston Churchill: “Success is not final,
journey did not stop there, as he later earned a Master’s and creating opportunities for growth within the failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that
in Business Administration, equipping him with the organisation. counts.” This philosophy underscores his approach
knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of to leadership and his commitment to persevering
business management. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE OUTLOOK through challenges, both personal and professional.
“Even though we fail at times, the sun will shine at
This degree he reflected was a big accomplishment Theolan’s journey has not been without its challenges. the end,” he concluded.