Page 63 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 63


               lvis Green is the owner and managing       Elvis’s legacy is one of putting community before   that relies on the performance of the entire company
               director of ND Engineering. Born in Pieter-  profit. “Every man wants to leave a legacy of some   to achieve our strategic goals,” he explains.
               maritzburg, he fondly remembers moving     sort, and for me, I want to be remembered as a
         Eto a newly created coloured suburb called       person who always put community before profit,”   A POSITIVE IMPACT
          Woodland. Also located in Pietermaritzburg, this   he reflects. His vision includes further growth for   Rather than being inspired by any one person, Elvis
          move marked the beginning of a journey that was   ND Engineering. “We have plans drawn up for a new   is motivated by the potential for anyone, regardless
          deeply influenced by his upbringing.            facility that will be one and three quarters the size   of their social or financial standing, to make a
                                                          of our current premises. We’re just waiting for a few
          After completing schooling, Elvis pursued a boiler-  hurdles to be overcome, but that should happen   positive impact on the world. “For this reason, I
          making apprenticeship with the international    within the next couple of months,” he shares.   find motivation in leveraging my position to garner
          company APV Kestner, completing it in 1977.                                                     positivity and hope for the future,” he says.
          However, in 1987, due to sanctions on South     Navigating life’s challenges, Elvis has always held   Elvis is optimistic about the future of KwaZulu-
          Africa, the company closed its manufacturing    onto a piece of advice that has profoundly influenced   Natal (KZN). He believes that with collaboration
          operations, leaving many, including Elvis, without   his journey. “Negativity is an overpowering human   between the public and private sectors, KZN can
          a job.  “I applied to three companies – two in   emotion that can cripple us all. In the face of   leverage its unique location as the gateway to
          Pietermaritzburg and one in Durban. All three   overwhelming negativity, I am an eternal optimist,”   Africa to harness significant growth opportunities
          applications were successful, but I decided to get   he asserts.  “Hard work doesn’t always guarantee   from an import and export perspective. “We have a
          out of my comfort zone and accepted the position   success, but  in  most cases, it’s  a prerequisite to   young population that is hungry for opportunity,
          of estimator with the Durban-based company, ND   mastering oneself, personally and professionally.”  and it is up to business owners like myself to
          Engineering,” Elvis explains.                                                                   embrace this,” he adds.
                                                          Elvis recalls the 2008-2009 financial crisis as the
          Looking back, Elvis is proud of his entire journey.   biggest challenge he has faced. At the time, he was   Elvis attributes much of his success to the values
          “Even when I occupied humble positions in my    the production manager at ND Engineering, and the   instilled in him by his parents. “I grew up in a home
          career, I’ve always been committed to the cause   company had a full order book that extended for a   where godly and good values and principles were
          and worked diligently to grow professionally and   year and a half. However, the collapse of the USA’s   instilled in me and my four siblings. It is those
          advance the businesses I’ve been employed at,”   Lehman Brothers’ bank sent shockwaves through the   values and principles that have made us who we
          he says. Purchasing ND Engineering in 2012 and   global economy, and ND Engineering was not spared.   are in life and have enabled us to make important
          building a new world-class manufacturing facility   “I was on a business trip to China and when I arrived   decisions at strategic milestones,” he shares.
          in 2019 are standout accomplishments, but Elvis is   back  in  South  Africa,  I  discovered  that  90%  of  the
          most  proud  of  the  difference  he  has  made  in the   projects on our books were on hold,” Elvis recalls. To   The influence of his mother and the support of
          lives of those who needed it most.              compound matters, clients had frozen all payments,   his wife, Debbie, whom he has been married to
                                                          putting the company in a precarious situation.  for 45 years, have been the bedrock of his life.
          GREAT STABILITY                                                                                 “Debbie has stood behind me in every decision
                                                          For the next two months, Elvis concentrated his   and everything I’ve done in my life,” he acknow-
          Elvis feels blessed by the success he has achieved   energy on communicating with clients, and his   ledges, expressing gratitude for the family they’ve
          through hard work over many decades.  “I’m      efforts paid off. “At the end of January 2009, 90%   built together, which includes four sons and
          extremely proud that I’ve built a business that   of the monies owed to us were paid,” he shares,   one daughter.
          has shown great stability in very trying economic   expressing his gratitude to God during that critical
          times,” he states. This stability has allowed him to   time. Many companies fell by the wayside during   Elvis’s life has been guided by a principle that
          provide meaningful employment that goes beyond   the crisis, but ND Engineering survived.       has served him well in all aspects:  “The more
          a generic employer-employee relationship. ND                                                    bountifully you sow, the more bountifully you
          Engineering employs 262 full-time employees and   Elvis believes that obstacles are part of the dynamic   reap,” he says. “All we really have is the day at hand,
          offers  full  company  benefits,  including  substantial   world we live in and that there is no avoiding them.   so do the very best with the day at hand, and this
          investment in the tertiary education of employees’   “One can only plan and equip your team to adapt,”    will take care of the future,” he advises. For Elvis,
          children. “Our bursary scheme extends to youth in   he says. For him, there is no substitute for an engaged   being the best version of who you were created to
          our community and covers vocational choices not   workforce and a high-performance culture. “I always   be is the goal, and it is a principle that has guided
          directly linked to our field of vision,” he says.  emphasise that as a business unit,  we are a system    him throughout his life.
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