Page 65 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
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               ria Hassan is the executive chair of the Women   energy is fundamental,” she says.  “My task is   legacy. It focuses on education, providing access to
               of Africa Group.  Pria’s upbringing in Reservoir   to steer the company through this renewable   urgent healthcare, and promoting mental wellness.”
               Hills, Durban was shaped by a family where   transition, ensuring we balance profitability with
         Pher father, an entrepreneur, and her mother,    environmental stewardship.” She sees digitisation   The foundation is also a vehicle for other initiatives
          a traditional housewife with solid values, kept her   as a key area for growth to promote sustainable   close to her heart.  “We are working on sports
          grounded. “I lived with my grandmother who believed   practices, reduce emissions, and to make the   academies and an entrepreneurship programme for
          deeply in the power of education,” she recalls.  organisation more environmentally friendly.    young people. The foundation is about community,
                                                                                                          togetherness, and accelerated empowerment.”
          She pursued higher education at Howard College Law   Pria’s goal is to drive investment in infrastructure
          School before advancing to the University of Pretoria.   development within the petroleum industry   Pria has been fortunate to have a supportive
          “It was there that I was admitted as an advocate in   especially as there is a lack of bulk storage facilities   husband  and  loyal  brother,  her  foot  soldiers,  who
          Johannesburg,” she says. Her career, however, didn’t   in Africa owned and managed by women. She   share her vision. Pria believes her team is one of her
          remain confined to law.  “I ventured into finance,   added, “In the next five years, I want to ensure that   greatest assets, not just because they are strong, but
          logistics, property, mergers, acquisitions, and so   Women of Africa remains relevant and becomes a   because they consist of the right people who are
          much more,” she explains, describing a journey that   leading force across multiple industries.”  even more intelligent than she is.
          led her to the petroleum industry.                                                              The organisation’s social development programmes
                                                          SHEER DETERMINATION
          “My first job was far removed from the industry I am                                            play a crucial role in motivating the team. “They see
          in now,” she reminisces. “I drove my late uncle’s truck   “The toughest challenge for me has always been   the effect of our initiatives on their own families
          for a glass and aluminium company, working in areas   breaking the glass ceiling in the oil and petroleum   and communities,” she notes. Pria’s vision extends
          like  Verulam and Umlazi, managing logistics and   industry,” Pria  admits. “Early in  my career,  I  faced   to ongoing community development. “We need to
          making deliveries.” She explains that the experience   prejudice for being a woman in a high-stakes   focus on skills transfer, training, and collaboration,”
          was invaluable. “It instilled in me the values of hard   commodity market.” However, knowledge from   she emphasises.
          work, responsibility, and resilience.”          the legal fraternity helped her stay formidable. She   Pria is committed to empowering women in
                                                          says, “I had the foresight and sheer determination to
          Pria added, “The best advice I ever received came   keep pushing forward, earning my seat at the table.”  traditionally male-dominated sectors. “It is important
          from my late uncle. I was only 11 when he told me,                                              to show the younger generation the vital part they can
          ‘Never forget where you came from and where you   Even now, Pria sees challenges within the industry.   play in our future,” she asserts. “Operating in industries
          are going.  You are not responsible for the wind   “The  issues  persist,  but  I  refuse  to  sit  back  and   like petroleum, logistics, and now healthcare, I want to
          around you, only for managing your own sail’.” This   complain. I am committed to fostering change. I   pave the way for other women to succeed.”
          wisdom has guided her through life. She says, “I’ve   aim to be an influential force not just in energy,   Pria holds a belief that powerful women often
          navigated rough waters by adjusting my (sails)   petrochemicals but in our business of logistics,   draw strength and inspiration from role models
          expectations and being courageous,  even in the   pharmaceuticals, and healthcare.”             who have paved the way before them.  “My
          face of adversity.”
                                                          These  challenges have come with a  cost.  “As  a   mother will always be my source of inspiration,
          In addition, the exposure to the logistics chain laid   leader, prioritising my mental wellness became   giving me hope even in the darkest times,” she
          a foundation for her understanding of the business   crucial in my journey, Pria shares candidly.  “I’ve   says. “She made me realise education is not just a
          world. “I learned that no job is too small or too   experienced burnout traveling to different   powerful tool for myself but if used effectively can
          large when it comes to building a future.  Those   continents; sleep evaded me as I tried to juggle my   shift the lives of so many others who need you.”
          early experiences gave me insight into how every   various roles which eventually led to me relying on   She also credits Indra Nooyi for influencing her
          part of the supply chain contributes to the overall   sleeping medication. My triumph inspired me to   leadership style. “Indra’s empathy, pragmatism,
          economy in Africa.”                             launch Women of Africa Healthcare and Wellness   and ability to drive change in the industry have
                                                          which aims to provide more facilities for mental   given me the confidence to lead with purpose.”
          SUSTAINABLE GROWTH                              health support.”
                                                                                                          “I live by the motto, ‘Be the change you want to see
          As executive chair of  Women of Africa Group,   Pria says that one of her proudest accomplishments   in the world,’” Pria concludes. “It’s a daily reminder
          Pria’s purpose is rooted in a desire for sustainable   is the Women of Africa Foundation. “The greatest   that change starts with personal action. It’s not easy,
          growth.  “The petroleum industry is undergoing   gift we can give the next generation is our wisdom   but it keeps me focused on solutions and positive
          significant changes and the supply of cleaner   and experience,” she explains. “The foundation is my   impacts, whether in business or in my community.”
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