Page 67 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 67


                 llan Hirsch, the founder and chairman of   a loaf of bread for 11 cents on his way home   part of us, but if they leave, they take their skills
                 Hirsch’s, is a remarkable example of some-  that night was “enormously symbolic.” He fondly   elsewhere and we wish them well.”
                 one who came from humble beginnings      remembers working “long hours when others took
         Aand overcame significant challenges             weekends off,” with the support of Margaret.    He gets serious when stating, “Honesty, integrity,
          to achieve success. He embodies the belief that                                                 and loyalty are required; these principles can’t
          “where you begin does not determine where you   Initially, Allan only repaired appliances, but as his   be compromised and are not negotiable.  We
          can go.”                                        reputation grew, so did his business. Eventually,   are totally transparent about the business with our
                                                          he began formally dealing in appliances as well   staff.”
          Hirsch’s, which celebrated its 45th anniversary in   starting to sell stoves and fridges. Margaret’s
          2024, is now the largest privately-owned appliance   innovative marketing ideas helped create a strong   Selecting quality products and suppliers is also
          dealer in southern Africa, encompassing a chain   demand for Hirsch’s products. When microwaves hit   important for him. His view is:  “Look after your
          of mega appliance and home furnishing stores.   the market, they saw potential in the new appliance   suppliers and they will look after you.”
          The name ‘Hirsch’ has become synonymous with    and Margaret started cooking demonstrations to   Trust must be earned and Alan still tries to enhance
          service excellence.                             showcase their benefits. Their clients loved the fact   the good reputation Hirsch’s has built over 45
                                                          that Allan and Margaret went out of the way to   years. “Winners always keep going.  You need to
          Born in Johannesburg, Allan Hirsch moved with his   make their lives easier.
          family to the KwaZulu-Natal coast, where he grew                                                keep your vision and keep on working hard when
          up. He was one of the first pupils to attend Umhlali   Allan is passionate about the environment and   things go wrong.”
          Primary School on the North Coast. Reflecting on   energy efficiency. “Many years ago, I realised how   WIDE RECOGNITION
          his early years, Allan says, “I didn’t shine in school.   important energy efficiency was in South Africa.
          After struggling through high school  with  very   It made me very aware of how appliances can be   Allan has received wide recognition for his business
          poor grades, I decided to become an apprentice   used effectively and how certain appliances use   contributions, including the Marketing Management
          appliance technician.” He began his career with   less water and less electricity and are quieter than   Institute’s “Marketer of the Year Award” in 1994 and
          Fuchsware, where he worked for five years and   others. We try to encourage the consumer to buy   the Standard Bank KZN Business Leader of the Year
          gained invaluable experience in refrigerator repair.   energy efficient products. I believe as an appliance   Award in 2019. The honorary award is given to a
          After  this,  he  joined  another  company,  where  his   retail store we really can influence decisions and   person who has demonstrated, “exemplary business
          and the owner’s business philosophies clashed.   at the same time make a difference.  We believe   achievement, industry influence and is a true
          “The owner wanted to keep increasing margins,” he   it starts at the socket. If things that are not being   inspiration to others”.
          recalls, “while I wanted reasonable rates and great   used are unplugged it has an impact,” he says.  Allan and his wife Margaret have been married
          service to keep customers happy.”
                                                          HAVING A WHY                                    for 52 years and have two children, Richard and
          FIRST STORE OPENED                                                                              Luci, who now play key roles in the business. “Our
                                                          Allan firmly believes that “having a why” is essential   highlight has been getting to work with our family
          When  his  employer  suggested  he  strike  out  on   for staying passionate and being a good leader.   every single day,” they say, and Allan is also a proud
          his own, Allan found the idea both exciting and   He credits Simon Sinek’s book, Start with Why, for   grandfather to five grandsons.
          intimidating. Recently married to Margaret, he had   helping him define the purpose of Hirsch’s. “Hard
          just bought his first property, and his first child was   work with a goal in mind is necessary,” he says.   Despite the demands of running a growing business,
          on the way. Despite these pressures, he eventually   “Retail requires listening to customers and keeping   the Hirsch family remained close, enjoying regular
          opened an electrical appliance repair store on   them happy; my success has been about serving   Sunday lunches together and staying in constant
          Umhlanga Rocks Drive in Durban North in 1979.   others. I realised my purpose in life is to serve.”  contact. Both Richard, now CEO, and Luci, Brand
                                                                                                          Manager, rose through the ranks, contributing to
          “We set up our first shop 44 years ago in a showroom,   Allan’s approach to leadership is straightforward.   the  company’s  continued  success  and  expansion
          no bigger than a bathroom,” he explained. Looking   “People are human, grow them, teach them skills,   into mega appliance and home furnishing stores
          back, he remembers feeling “absolutely flat broke”   and more than just selling or servicing, teach   across KwaZulu-Natal, Cape  Town, and Gauteng.
          the day Hirsch’s Electrical Repairs opened, having   them how the business works.” Seeing staff grow,   As the family looks to the future, they take pride in
          spent his R900 savings on rent, an electricity   improve their circumstances and being happy with   their accomplishments, founded on the values of
          deposit, and marketing. He recalls that buying   their  lives  inspires  him. “We  like  to  keep  people   honesty, integrity, and loyalty.
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