Page 71 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 71


         M         ichael Jackson is the senior partner at   them so that one achieves the most and allowing   honest, because we have huge opportunities; to let

                                                          people to achieve their ambitions on a collective
                   Cox Yeats Attorneys.
                                                                                                          people see those is probably the challenge.”
                                                          basis creates enormous success and power within
                   Michael was born in the Eastern Cape and
                                                                                                          finds the people of our history inspiring. “I’m proud
                   moved to KwaZulu-Natal at a fairly young   an organisation,” elaborates Michael.       As Michael is very positive about South Africa, he
          age. After completing his schooling, he studied at   CREATE TRUST                               to be part of South Africa. I’m proud to look back
          the University of Durban where he completed a                                                   on the people who have faced the challenges of
          LLB, following which, he went to study overseas at   Reflecting on the advice that he has received over   South Africa and how they did that. Particularly
          Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.     the years, Michael says that the best advice is never   people who were able to face things like Apartheid
                                                          to try and undermine people because there is    and discrimination and become world leaders in
          Before he went to Cambridge, Michael’s first job   huge strength in people. He expanded, “There is a   advancing people’s liberties.  The heritage that
          was lecturing to students which he undertook for   temptation particularly in the leadership position,   we have is very rich and you don’t find it in other
          about  a year. He had also worked for his father   to dominate people, and if you dominate people,   countries, so we are privileged.”
          in a wholesale company selling blankets and     you actually stifle their ability to achieve things. I
          piece goods to trading stores – a very different   found that as soon as you take the lid off everything   Michael believes that we have a huge opportunity
          experience, he commented.                       that people do, you get this incredible awakening   to make KwaZulu-Natal what it should be. His
                                                          of individual spirit and power. And if you can   vision is  that KwaZulu-Natal should achieve what
          Michael started working at Cox Yeats in 1988 and
                                                          harness that in an organisation collectively, you   it  is  entitled  to.  To  ensure  that  this  happens  we
          has been employed at the firm ever since.
                                                          can achieve enormous things.”                   need to unlock all the barriers that exist, which are
          ACHIEVING OBJECTIVES                                                                            not difficult things to unlock but are actually quite
                                                          Further to harnessing the team at Cox Yeats is the   simple things that need to be done. He commented,
          His purpose is to ensure that the firm achieves the   importance of motivation.  For Michael, the most   “But, perhaps we need to unlock the spirit of the
          objectives of the individuals within it. Importantly   important thing is to create trust. “People have to   people a little and allow them to achieve and then
          that purpose is focused on ensuring that the firm   trust you; they have to trust the system. And once   KwaZulu-Natal will achieve.”
          meets the expectations and the aspirations of all   they do that and you allow them to be individuals
          the very ambitious people who work within it. “And   that usually creates a recipe to almost guarantee   KEEP LIFE SIMPLE
          that’s often quite hard actually, because you’ve got   success. I’ve found that people solve problems, but
          young people who start at an organisation who   you need to create the environment in which they   Michael says that in life he does not strive to be
          have great ambitions for the future,” he says.   are able to do that.”                          anything particularly special but tries to live life in
                                                                                                          a simple way. He believes that if you are true to
          Reflecting on his achievements, Michael explained,   HUGE OPPORTUNITIES                         yourself and true to the people around you that
          “I think something that I realised quite early on is                                            you will be happy. He added that he has found that
          that particularly in a people focused profession like   While Michael has faced many challenges over   in life you should not become burdened by people
          law you have to try and maximise the abilities of all   the years, the biggest one currently is that South   and things that are negative; it’s important to try
          the people who work within an organisation.”    Africa’s stagnant economy is problematic as people   to be surrounded by people who are positive.
                                                          feel that it is very difficult to be successful in these
          Consequently, one of the achievements that      circumstances.  “People feel despair about their   In conclusion he remarked, “You want to feel at the
          Michael is most proud of is to successfully harness   current conditions.  To try to shift and turn that   end of the day that you’ve achieved something
          the abilities of the people who work within Cox   around so that that people feel positive and believe   that is relatively good; if it’s not something that is
          Yeats. “There’s no point in trying to run people.   that this environment is one where they can succeed   too extraordinary then you can achieve it. So, keep
          People will run you. It’s really to try and guide   is the challenge. I think it’s quite an easy sell to be   life simple.”

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