Page 73 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 73
sha Jivan has been the managing director Usha gave up her lecturing post to start BEESCORE achievements. More recently she has presented
and sole shareholder of BEESCORE, a Broad- in 2007. The company audits the BEE credentials on BEE webinars for the South African Chamber of
based Black Economic Empowerment of businesses and issues BEE certificates. “BEE is a Commerce United Kingdom.
U(B-BBEE) verification agency, since 2015. subject that I became very passionate about once
Together with three others, she was a co-founder of the whole concept was introduced to me,” she Since 2015, Usha has been personally involved in all
the company. commented. areas of the business. Commenting on her current
role she explains: “Every year is different. My purpose
Whilst most of Usha’s schooling was in Durban, Speaking of the advice she has received since the now is to work ON my business as opposed to IN my
she very much wanted to experience a different business started, Usha says this has been very varied. business to grow the business further and to get
environment and attended a convent at a hill station However, one of her mentors has been Murray more clients, while retaining the existing ones.”
in India where her best friend studied. Consequently, Chabant, who was very ‘clued up’ on BEE then, and
she spent two of her high school years there, which he assisted her to grow in the business. She would like to move the business from being an
she said was an amazing adventure. exempt micro enterprise to become a qualifying
The other person of note is her ex-principal with small enterprise.
Usha added that she had a great childhood, living in whom she served her articles of clerkship. “This
a closely knit joint household and she learnt much is a woman who today is about 87 years old. She SPIRIT OF HUMANITY
from her grandparents. Usha is a proud single mum still works; she continues going to her office every
to two children now aged 35 and 33. Her daughter day. She is someone who has demonstrated power In addition, Usha’s goal is to elevate and grow her
is a counselling psychologist, and her son worked in and resilience, which I admired. She was my go-to team so that when she is ready to retire or to slow
the private equity space and is currently a venture person, and she still inspires me. To this day, we still down, they can take over. Her team members are
capitalist across Africa. chat and meet for an occasional coffee.” fully equipped to do so and two employees – who
have managerial roles – have been with her for over
While she was still in high school, Usha spent her A LEARNING EXPERIENCE ten years.
school holidays working in stores similar to our
current Edgars and Truworths at that time. However, The biggest challenge Usha experienced was when “We’re a small team of seven females and one
her first official job was at a law firm in Durban, BEESCORE started operations, BEE legislation had wonderful gentleman who work together very
where she completed her articles of clerkship after just been promulgated. As the concept was new, well. We are all committed to playing our part and
which she practised as an attorney. it was a learning experience for everyone. The new achieving the company’s mission. Our inspiration
regulations had no set standards with which to comes from weekly meetings. We talk about not
HUMAN RIGHTS approach them, which was an obstacle and meant only our work, but about ourselves because it’s
that Usha had to constantly upskill herself. especially important to inspire your team. We also
“After marrying, I worked as an attorney in Port celebrate our successes.”
Elizabeth. In the earlier days we assisted and A further challenge was that BEE verification was
represented a lot of people dealing with human a grudge purchase for clients who were resistant Usha explains that she likes to live by the spirit of
rights issues. I spent two years doing that kind of to change. Usha’s role was to explain to clients the humanity, what we in South Africa call the principle
work, going into the prisons and to court, which was importance of this process as well as the potential of Ubuntu.
a wonderful experience.” impact on South Africa’s economic transformation.
Her motto is to be authentic, to live her authentic
The importance of human rights has been a Shifting focus from being an academic and a lawyer, self, to be honest, and to have a work-life balance.
consistent theme in Usha’s professional life. She to adapt to a business mindset is a process that Usha First and foremost, says Usha, investing in herself,
has always been passionate about ensuring that has enjoyed. Being in business for the first time, physically and spiritually, is important. “I take care of
oppressed/minority groups were granted equal at the company’s inception and contributing to my mind and my body, and my health. I am learning
rights, and that family laws that empower women building a successful business, has been a learning to practice yoga and meditation. I enjoy my brisk
and children were upheld. experience that has been extremely exciting for her. walking and running a few times a week.”
In 1994, she was offered a lecturing position at the As BEESCORE was one of the earlier agencies to be “Also, I think it’s important to make time for the
University of Durban-Westville where she lectured accredited, Usha presented on many BEE seminars people I love and the people I want be with, and the
on various subjects, including criminal law, civil to educate business owners, both in Johannesburg closest to me are my son and daughter, as well as
procedure, and family law. and in Durban, which she counts among her my team.”