Page 69 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 69


               rian Howarth is the chairman of the Magnet   has expanded to solar PV projects as more clients   For Brian, managing cash flow as a privately owned
               Group.  An electrical  engineer  by profession,   pursue off-grid solutions. He feels pride in the   business has also been an ongoing challenge. “You
               Brian pursued a diploma in electrical      impact Magnet is making, especially as industries   always need enough in the bank to cover salaries
         Bengineering in the 1970s at Durban Technicon,   transition toward greener energy solutions.     and creditors,” he shares. During periods of financial
          followed by an electrical government certificate.                                               strain or when significant clients faced difficulty, the
                                                          PASSION FOR INNOVATION                          pressure was intense. Magnet learned to diversify its
          Brian spent the initial decade of his career at the                                             client base, ensuring no single account comprises
          Durban Electricity Department. “They offered me a   Brian’s passion for innovation and engineering   more than 15% of revenue. His daughter’s MBA
          bursary, and I had to commit to a ten-year contract,”   drives his curiosity and eagerness to explore new   research has guided them to focus on a narrow
          he  explains. “When  that  was up, my father,  who   challenges. “I love technology,” Brian admits with a   band of core strengths, resisting the  “death by
          had started a business called Magnet Industrial   grin. “A lot of my friends call me the gadget man.”   opportunity” approach of spreading too thin.
          Supplies, asked if I wanted to join.” His father,   He’s quick to point out, however, that his focus is
          eager to retire and enjoy life, saw this as a prime   essential in business.  “It’s about understanding   A CONSCIOUS CHOICE
          opportunity to transition the family business,   clients’ needs, not just pushing what excites you,”
          now Magnet Group, to the next generation.  “It   he says. Brian also appreciates the transition to   Brian’s decision to step back as managing director
          happened just like that,” Brian notes. “I’ve been at   digitisation, finding joy in brainstorming with his   was a conscious choice to prioritise family,
          Magnet now for 38 years.”                       team and developing solutions together.         health, and enjoyment. He speaks of balancing
                                                                                                          his  “triangle” – money, time, and health.  “When
          Over nearly four decades, Brian has watched the   Reflecting on his journey, Brian is proud of Magnet’s   you’re younger, time doesn’t feel as limited,” he
          business adapt and grow.  “Today, we’re focused   growth and the team of 140 people he has built.   muses. But now, at 67, he aims to make the most of
          on servicing the industrial sector in KZN,” he says,   “Our staff is everything,” he emphasises. “Seeing our   each day, embracing both business and personal
          listing a client base that includes multinational   employees grow and thrive is incredibly rewarding,”   pursuits. “I’m proud that I’ve kept my family close
          companies in food and beverage, steel, aluminium,   he says, proudly sharing that all staff now have   throughout my career,” he says. Married for over
          pulp and paper, and sugar industries. Magnet, a   medical aid with access to private healthcare. The   40 years, Brian values this achievement as much as
          specialist  electrical engineering firm with  a trading   company celebrates achievements together, with   any professional success.
          arm, is one of Schneider Electric’s major partners in   outings and team-building activities.  “We took   Brian draws inspiration from his family as well.
          South Africa. “We’ve been working with Schneider   everyone on an MSC cruise once,” he recalls with   “Seeing my daughters succeed inspires me,” he
          since we started, selling their electrical switch-   a smile. However,  Brian recognises that young   says, His daughter Nicole now plays a vital role in
          gear and control components,” he shares.        employees today have different expectations. “They   the company, reflecting the family’s continuity in
                                                          want instant success,” he notes, requiring Magnet to
          When Eskom’s electricity supply began struggling   adapt its approach to career development.    Magnet’s leadership.
          to meet demand, Brian saw an opportunity.  “We                                                  Speaking of his father, Brian says that he was his
          put together a team of engineers and proposed   “Success inspires me,” Brian states simply. He is   greatest influence. Describing him as “a gregarious
          energy-saving solutions to our clients,” he explains.   motivated by seeing Magnet’s positive impact on   character” who always viewed the glass as half-full,
          Eskom, through their Demand Side Management     employees, clients, and the environment.  “I hate   Brian adopted his father’s optimism and resilience.
          programme, supported these initiatives, funding   losing,” he admits. Magnet has even taken cues   “He taught me to hang in there and face challenges
          upgrades like LED lighting and motor efficiency   from the Springboks’ strategic approach, analysing   head-on.”  Brian has also looked to influential global
          improvements.                                   competitors and devising well-rounded game plans   leaders for inspiration, including Richard Branson.
                                                          to improve their chances of success. In the future,
          Brian recalls, “For five years, we worked on hundreds   Brian envisions Magnet as a top solutions provider   “It’s been quite lonely at the top,” he admits, “but I’ve
          of projects with Eskom and won several energy   in the electrical engineering space. “We’ve set clear   tried to emulate the qualities of successful leaders.”
          efficiency awards.”  This shift marked Magnet’s   goals for the next five years,” he says, adding that   Brian’s personal motto is to “live every day and never
          evolution from a component supplier to a solutions-  quarterly town hall meetings ensure everyone stays   miss an opportunity.” Whether in business, health, or
          based enterprise, now encompassing a trading    aligned with this vision. “We work hard to provide   family life, he strives to embrace each moment fully.
          company and an engineering company with a team   our team with a clear roadmap for growth,” Brian   “I take on challenges, brush off the bad days, and
          of twelve engineers and five project managers.   explains. However, government regulations can   try to live a fulfilling life,” he concludes, grateful for
          “We audit, engineer, and implement electrical and   create obstacles, he notes, especially when trying to   a career that allows him to combine passion, family,
          lighting solutions,” Brian added that Magnet’s work   bring in highly skilled foreign specialists.  and purpose.
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