Page 16 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
P. 16


         Mike Miller, David White and Bruce Lennon at the High Commission with Liks Ramushu (Minister of Economics) and friends share a lighter moment at the end of the High Commission presentation.
                                      available on B-BBEE in the UK,   influence on upskilling people   thanks to Mike and the SACC for  attend came through none other
        Grant Adlam, KZN Top Business  and that there was still much   through training and development  arranging BusinessFit to come   than the Right Honourable Lord
                                      ignorance around the B-BBEE   and creating opportunities for   forward and share this valuable   Peter Hain, and what followed
             usinessFit returned from   scorecard. Mike travelled to   SMEs in organisation’s supply   knowledge with UK audiences.  was a magnificent evening of fine
             a further successful trip   South Africa in 2019 and had the   chains.  Once people understand                    dining, great SA wine, laughter
        Bto the United Kingdom        benefit of speaking with KZN   the structure and intention   Bruce took both audiences   and song, with music from Vani
        (UK).  The purpose was to provide   business leaders on B-BBEE.  He   of the Codes, organisational   through a general introduction   Entertainment.  Her Excellency,
        UK audiences with a deeper and   felt that a B-BBEE roadshow   transformation and decision   to B-BBEE, and spoke in detail   Nomatemba Tambo and Sharon
        more meaningful understanding   to the UK would help to dispel   making by company leaders   on the various role players, the   Constancon, the SACC chairman
        of the structure and intention   many negative connotations   becomes a whole lot easier.”   B-BBEE Commission, Enterprise   welcomed guests, and Ivan
        of Broad-Based Black Economic   and unfavourable outcome                                  Categories, Black Ownership, the   Gardiner addressed the guests
        Empowerment (B-BBEE).         expectation myths.             Bruce was up to the challenge   Sector Codes; and the five B-BBEE   on leadership.  It was a splendid
                                                                    and spoke with audiences at both   elements.  He provided a full
          David White and Bruce Lennon,   Mike’s request to David and   the Chamber in Maidenhead   explanation of the B-BBEE Act   evening, and as Bruce said, “An
        both directors at BusinessFit,   Bruce was for them to travel to   and the High Commission in   and Codes, together with practical   overwhelming reward for all the
        have a close working relationship   the UK to share understanding   London. Both presentations,   examples in respect of each of the   hard work of the trip.”
        through their companies:      and practical knowledge on the   erupted into lively discussions,   elements.  Bruce, an accomplished   From all at Top Business, we
        DRG Outsourcing and Stimela   B-BBEE Act and its associated   with Bruce shining as he shared   speaker, provided clarity on each   are proud to support the work
        Consulting respectively.  DRG   Codes of Good Practice, and   his knowledge and experience   point, and answered questions   BusinessFit does in the many areas
        providing human resource (HR)   to answer questions relating to   on the subject. The audiences   with huge interest and enthusiasm.   of transformation in which they
        administration and compliance   the subject. Bruce, as many will   included senior representatives                     work.  “Go team, you certainly are
        related services, and Stimela   concur, is a competent resource   of government, business leaders,   David and Bruce share the same  making a positive contribution to
        providing B-BBEE administration  in the area of helping companies   heads of UK organisations with   passion for transformation and   the SA economy.” 
        and strategy development services.   with their internal B-BBEE   operations in SA, and many other   the growth of our economy, and
                                      transformation programmes.  He   influential and interested persons.   they said they really enjoyed
          As the B-BBEE scorecard largely                                                         meeting and sharing knowledge   For more information contact:
        comprises activities related to HR   knows the B-BBEE scorecard   The greatest moment was   with the many SA and UK people   David White, Chairman, BusinessFit
                                                                                                                               T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
                                      backwards, having advised and
        and small and medium enterprise   assisted companies in their   at the South African High   they met on the trip. David   E:
        (SME) development, they have   transformation strategies and   Commission, when Her       and Bruce said that there were
        a lot in common. They work    file preparations for the past 16   Excellency, Nomatemba Tambo,   times when they felt they were
        together daily on similar client   years.  People would say, and I   the SA High Commissioner to   representing SA, out there under
        challenges and assist business   am sure Bruce would agree, that   the UK, introduced B-BBEE,   their own steam, stretching out
        leaders and their teams with best   he is in his happy place when   its purpose and intention.  In   elbows of greeting to people
        practices in both HR and B-BBEE.    consulting on the subject, drawing   David’s words, “Nomatemba   and organisations, telling them
        The outcome of their work being   charts and pictures, and driving   (Tembi as she is known) was   that SA is an important country
        to help companies comply with   transformation agendas.     clear, direct and purposeful,   to have trade relations with...
        administrative and reporting                                demonstrating her broad       and to get on board through
        requirements and building solid   Bruce says, “It starts with people   understanding of the challenges   understanding B-BBEE and
        and sustainable transformation   understanding the elements, and   SA people are overcoming   its structured transformation
        programmes.                   each of the category weightings   through the supportive role   culture.
                                      within the B-BBEE Scorecard”.    B-BBEE is playing.” He said,
          Mike Miller, president of   He said, “Once people gain a   “Tembi is someone who clearly   But it was not all work. David
        Maidenhead Chamber and past   basic understanding of the Codes,   sees the big picture, and we   and Bruce attended the SACC
        president of the South African   and begin to see the thought and   are fortunate to have such   Gala Dinner at the House of
        Chamber of Commerce in        detail in each of the elements,   a great lady supporting and   Lords as well.  The dinner is a
        London (SACC) recognised that   they immediately see how the   leading transformation.”  Tembi   grand black-tie affair of enormous
        there was limited knowledge   Scorecard is having a positive   introduced Bruce and gave   proportion.  The invitation to

        Her Excellency, Nomatemba Tambo introduced B-BBEE, its purpose and intention at the   David White and Henk Swanepoel (SACC Exco Members), and Bruce Lennon (BusinessFit)
        High Commission presentation.                                              share encouragement for SA’s economic growth with new friends at the House of Lords.

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