Page 13 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
P. 13


                                                                      In order to maintain your   based on affordability and time   and clenching of teeth, as well as
                                                                     oral health, the Crown Dental   that you have available or in   eliminate jaw joint pain.
                                                                     Studio practice hygienists   which you require results,” says   Crown Dental Studio uses
                                                                     are on hand to provide       Mateenah Amod, one of the
                                                                     cleaning and polishing       practice’s dental hygienists.  FASTBRACES® which is an
                                                                     treatments, preventative                                   alternative technology to
                                                                     fluoride applications, as well   If a whitening procedure is   conventional orthodontic
                                                                     as stain-removing brightening   not able to obtain the desired   treatment plans to address many
                                                                                                                                of the teeth problems encountered.
                                                                     treatments.                  effect, then there are several
                                                                                                  other options available including
                                                                      In addition, by having regular   porcelain veneers, composite   If you want straight teeth
                                                                     three to six monthly professional   bonding and dental implants.   without the disadvantage
                                                                     teeth cleans, plaque and tartar                            of having braces then clear
                                                                     build-up from your teeth, that   Veneers                   aligners are virtually invisible
                                                                     your regular brushing may miss,   Dental veneers are an easy way   trays that are manufactured
                                                                     will be removed.  The bacteria   to address a variety of physical   from transparent, strong medical
                                                                     in plaque uses sugars in the   and aesthetic problems and can   grade plastic and are generally
                                                                     foods you eat to create acids   improve the appearance of your   undetectable by other people.
                                                                     which slowly soften and dissolve   teeth. “They can make it possible   A series of aligners or trays are
                                                                    the hard enamel covering your   for people to have perfect smiles,   custom-made to fit over your teeth
               r Fareed Amod is a dentist   certain words. Missing, stained,   teeth. You will only feel pain and   which is often important for   and gradually straighten crooked
               with an entrepreneurial   or crooked teeth can lead to   sensitivity when the decay goes   building confidence in one’s   teeth, gaps or rotation in an
        Dspirit. Crown Dental         people not smiling. A good smile   through the enamel and reaches   appearance,” explained Amod.  organised manner.
        Studio is one of the few truly 24-  can have a positive effect on job   the softer dentin layer underneath.
        hour dental practises in Durban   interviews, meeting a new partner,   It is at this point that a filling or a   Dental veneers are cemented to    “I can be the best dentist in the
        which is not limited to emergency   making new friends and having a   crown is generally required before   the front surfaces of your natural   world but no-one can interfere
        dentistry treatment.          confident professional appearance.   further infection, an abscess or   teeth. These devices are commonly   with God’s work. If you take care
                                      In addition, tooth and bone loss                            used to hide flaws in teeth such as:   of your oral hygiene, you are doing
          Amod says, “We believe we   can prematurely age people’s faces   tooth loss occurs resulting in more                  your share of the work and then I
        are the only ones that are open   by causing wrinkles as well as   complex treatments.    ■   Broken or chipped teeth   can do mine. We offer long term
        24 hours a day.  The practice’s   facial sagging.                                         ■   Gaps between teeth        care of your teeth and we will
        hours of operation help fill unmet                          Whitening Procedures            when orthodontics (braces) are    be happy to produce a detailed
        patient needs. Our business model    “We attempt to educate our   Teeth whitening is one of the     not suitable        treatment plan to transform your
        not only streamlines patient   patients from a young age    most often requested cosmetic   ■   Poorly formed teeth     smile,” concluded Amod. 
        care, but also prioritises patient   and focus on rejuvenating our   dental procedures. Crown   ■   Discoloured teeth (which cannot
        convenience by providing care at   patients’ teeth and gums rather   Dental Studio has multiple tooth     be corrected by whitening)   Dr Amod is one of a few dentists in
        a time that is convenient to them.   than them needing a therapeutic   whitening offerings, which range   ■   To improve a single discoloured    the country, who at risk to his life, is
        A big part of our ability to provide   intervention. Although putting off   from a basic entry level, to various     tooth   offering emergency work during the
        service excellence comes from   going to the dentist is tempting,   interim levels and to a top of range                lockdown period.
        having the full range of dental   there can be many unpleasant   package.                 Orthodontic Treatment
        services available to our patients   consequences from skipping   As each person’s teeth are   Straightening cooked teeth   T: +27 81 207 8621
        all under the one roof.”      check-ups. By properly brushing   different, Crown Dental Studio   and correcting a bad bite with   E:
                                      your teeth twice daily, regularly   offers a complimentary tooth   orthodontic treatment can   W:
        Dental Hygienists             flossing and maintaining a healthy   whitening consultation to   potentially correct speech
          Teeth perform several functions   diet, you will not have a problem   evaluate your teeth and assess   impediments and breathing
        that are important for our daily   and can actively prevent gum   your expectations. “Based on   problems; improve chewing and
        lives. They enable us to bite and   disease and tooth decay from   these findings, I will then make   eating; reduce tooth decay and
        chew our food, to pronounce   developing,”  says Amod.      customised recommendations    gum infection; eliminate grinding


              lthough movement        individuals and families to try   our emotions to get the better of us
              outdoors is limited during   some of these ‘at-home’ health   which means we reach for certain
        Athe national lockdown,       practices.”                   foods that we often wouldn’t.
        maintaining a health and fitness                            While it’s okay to enjoy a comfort
        regime is incredibly beneficial for   1. Take a brisk walk around the   meal every now and again, we
        both mind and body. Renishaw   house or garden              should all be eating fresh, healthy,
        Hills, a mature lifestyle estate   Contrary to popular belief, you   whole foods during lockdown. Our
        in Scottburgh on the KwaZulu-  can walk around the house or your  diets impact our health and our
        Natal South Coast, is empowering   garden. Many people are adopting   moods, so it is important to make
        residents and local communities   the ‘2km challenge’ in which they   sure that we eat in a way that’s in
        with useful tips on remaining   do 2km a day in the confines   the best interest of both. Don’t
        healthy and safe during this time.  of their own property. Many of   forget your grains for fibre, fresh
                                      today’s smartphones have a step   fruit and vegetables for vitamins
          “We are just over the half-way   counter to help you keep track of   and minerals and enough water to
        mark of lockdown and Renishaw   the distance you cover.     stay hydrated.
        Hills is offering supportive tips
        and ideas to keep us going during   2. Don’t forget about resistance   4. Keep in touch with those close   catch up, laugh together and   Organisations like the South
        this time,” explained Phil Barker,   exercises              to you                        make sure you’re still connected.  African Depression and Anxiety
        managing director of Renishaw   Resistance training is good for   We might be separated                                 Group (SADAG) are also ready to
        Property Developments, developers  muscle strength and retaining   geographically but that doesn’t   5. Talk to someone if you need   assist on 011 234 4837.
        of Renishaw Hills. “Even though   mobility. While these are   mean we can’t still keep in touch.   help                  For more information about
        many of us are confined to our   normally performed with light   A daily chat or video call with   At a time like this, those who   this community-minded lifestyle
        homes, there are so many easy   weights and resistance bands,   an old friend or family member   struggle with anxiety, loneliness   development located on the
        techniques to ensure we keep   grocery staples like tinned food,   is a wonderful way to keep your   and depression can really feel   KZN South Coast, visit www.
        prioritising our fitness and health.   bags of rice and bottles of water   spirits up. There are even free   the pressure. It’s important to Renishaw Hills
        Exercise and engagement are   are a great alternative.      apps like Houseparty that allow   remember that mental health is   sales’ consultants are available for
        vital for improving immunity, as                            you to interact with several   a priority too. If you have a loved   online meetings and are ready to
        well as ensuring good mental and   3. Eat well and stay hydrated  members of the family at once.   one that is prone to any of the   share all necessary information
        physical health, and we encourage   During this time, it’s common for   This is a great opportunity to   above, reach out to them daily.   with interested parties. 

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