Page 9 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
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        Melanie Wester, Group Marketing and   King to the position of group   the women on our staff. The   manager, responsible for opening  this responsibility further allows
        Sales Manager                 CEO and Laura Morton to joint   appointment of Laura Morton   the new catering unit at Oatlands  me to embrace opportunity
                                      managing director. Laura will be   is testament to my belief of   Care Centre in Howick. Laura’s   optimistically, to recognise and
                                      responsible for the Capitol Select   collaboration in the work place,   dedication, attention to culinary   reward our most valued asset,
                 ith an innovative    Division of the company.      empowering our staff and      detail and managing the       our staff and, importantly, lead
                 five-year strategic                                acknowledging their valuable   demands of industrial catering   my team by example,” said
        Wplan on hand,                 Following the announcement,   contribution to the company.”   were recognised early in her   Laura.
        Group Chairman, Giles King    Merrill expressed her                                       career. She rapidly progressed
        announced on 1 March 2020     sentiments. “I am inspired     “In my former capacity as    to the positions of project    Together with fellow managing
        the appointments of Merrill   and humbled every day by      joint managing director, my   manager at Treverton College,   director, Russell Nzimande,
                                                                    professional success was largely   KwaZulu-Natal area manager   industry can be assured that
                                                                    due to the support of the women   and operations manager; the   Capitol Caterers is strongly
                                                                    at Capitol Caterers.  Laura’s   latter position which she held for   positioned to roll out their
                                                                    dynamic management style      the past four years.          strategy for growth, to seize
                                                                    and strong inter-personal skills                            opportunities and build on their
                                                                    are valuable attributes to the   Laura’s humility is evident   reputation as market leaders in
                                                                    family ethos of Capitol Caterers.   when asked of her vision as   the industrial catering sectors
                                                                    I could not be prouder of her   joint managing director. “Quite   the company service. 
                                                                    appointment,” she added.      simply, I want to give people
                                                                                                  the opportunity to grow, as I
                                                                     Laura qualified as a         have. We have the right team   T: +27(0)33 394 0310
                                                                    professional chef in 1995 and   at Capitol Caterers and the   E:
                                                                    proceeded to work at the Royal   potential for growth. We are
                                                                    Hotel in Durban, the Mount    client focussed and have an
                                                                    Nelson Hotel in Cape Town,    operational formula that works.
                                                                    followed by a period overseas in   Our clients see value in the
                                                                    various restaurants.          catering services we provide,
                                                                                                  and we have solid partnerships
                                                                     She joined Capitol Caterers
         Laura Morton (managing director – Capitol Select Division) and Merrill King   on 1 January 2012 as catering   with both our long serving and
         (group CEO, Capitol Caterers)                                                            new clients. At the age of 43,


                  Nikita Pillay, DRG   your top potential, customise   customised) job profile. Details   trend of a group of candidates   customised job profile) as well as
                    Outsourcing, Head: HR   competencies and operates as a   regarding the fit to the different   assessed on the 4 axes in the   how a group of candidates who
                     & Compliance     guide during their professional   competencies required for success   PDA and gives an average energy   work closely with the candidate
                                      development.                  in this job role are provided as   balance reading for the group.    rate his/her proficiency in these
                        T    he PDA   productivity and organisational   well as overall percentage job fit.  Details of the group spread in the   competencies.  A comparison
                                        It also optimises individual
                                                                                                                                of self vs. the group trend is
                                                                                                  four quadrants is also provided
                                                                    Group Job Fit Report:
                                                                                                                                provided as well as giving
                                                                                                  as well as the average range of
                        Assessment    success by defining job positions.   Provides percentage fit of   behaviour modification occurring  an indication of where the
                                      It boosts motivation and create
                        (Personal     spaces for continuous feedback   various candidates to a pre-  within the group.          candidate may need further
                         Development   with leaders.                determined (either system     Leadership Matching Report:   development to be successful
                                                                                                                                in the job role on which the
                         Analysis),                                 generated or customised) job
                        through       Types of Reports              profile.  Fit to more than one job   Provides details of two   competencies are set.
                        a simple,                                   profile can also be provided and   candidates, one of whom
                       precise and      PDA Report:  A comprehensive   average fit for each candidate to   has been allocated into a   MyPDACoach:
         scientifically proven        behavioural report detailing   the group of job profiles used   leadership role and the other   An online tool that was
         methodology, allows us to    the candidate’s leadership, sales   in the comparison is g.iven in   in a subordinate position   developed to complement and
         describe and analyse the     and communication styles.     percentage format.            and reporting into the        strengthen coaching processes
         behavioural profile of individuals   This report provides detailed   Competency Report:   managerial candidate.  Details   with the information obtained
         and identify their main talents,   descriptions of the candidate’s                       of the managerial candidate’s   through the PDA Report.
         abilities, motivations, strengths   natural behaviour style as well   Provides a percentage match   leadership and communication   MyPDACoach allows coaches
         and areas of opportunity.    as behaviour modification     of a candidate (based on his/  style are provided as well as the   to accompany their coachees
                                      in work and other contexts.     her natural behavioural style)   environmental factors needed to   during their skills-development
          The PDA Assessment does     Natural competency style and   to a set of system generated or   keep the subordinate candidate   processes.  MyPDACoach consists
         not qualify behavioural profiles   fit to generic competencies are   customised competencies.  The   engaged and motivated.  The   of five steps that are simple and
         as “good or bad”; it describes   provided in this report as well.    system contains generic, agile and   natural behaviours of both   intuitive for both the coach and
         the evaluated individual’s   Detailed information regarding   entrepreneur competencies.    candidates on the four axes   the Coachee. 
         behavioural characteristics.  strengths and possible areas of                            assessed in the PDA are
                                      development (strengths that   Group Competency Report:      compared and how this style
          It also allows us to evaluate the   become overused) is given as   Provides a percentage match of   will manifest in the behaviour   Nikita Pillay
         behavioural and competency   well as information regarding   a group of candidates (based on   of the managerial candidate is
         requirements of a job thereby   environment factors that are   his/her natural behavioural style)   indicated in the report.  T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
         ensuring you select and develop   required to keep the candidate   to a set of system generated or                     W:
         the right people into the right   engaged and motivated.   customised competencies. The   PDA 360° Feedback:
         positions.                                                 system contains generic, agile and
                                      Job Fit Report:               entrepreneur competencies.     Provides details of how a
          The PDA speeds up recruitment                                                           candidate rates him/herself
         processes, optimises candidate   Provides details of the                                 on a set of pre-determined
         search times and finds the   candidate’s fit to a pre-determined  Group Trends Report:   competencies based on a job
         ideal talent. It helps meet   (either system generated or   Provides the average behavioural  profile (system generated or

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