Page 5 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
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 and South African Revenue  registered with the SARS, the
                                      Service (SARS) (   Unemployment Insurance
                                      websites.                     Fund, and the Companies and
           n response to the Covid-19                               Intellectual Property Commission
           pandemic, the South African    SARS to accelerate the payment   (CIPC).
        IGovernment declared a        of employment tax incentive
        National State of Disaster on 15   reimbursements from twice a year   Tourism
        March 2020.  The findings of the   to monthly to get cash into the
        pre-lockdown Covid-19 National   hands of compliant employers as   R200 million made available to
        Small Business Survey, which were   soon as possible.       assist SMMEs (Annual turnover
        released by the National Small                              must not exceed R2.5 million) in   PROMOTION: WHEN
        Business Chamber (NSBC) shows   Companies can claim back up to   the hospitality and tourism sector
        deep economic challenges for small   R1 500 a month per employee who   who are under stress due to the   WOULD A FAILURE
        businesses. However, a variety   earns less than R6 500 (for those   new travel restrictions. 70% of
        of funds and relief measures   younger than 30), and R500 for   the relief will be to Black owned
        are available to businesses (and   those 30 and older.      businesses with a bias towards   TO PROMOTE AN
        individuals) in various sectors.   Tax compliant businesses with a   rural areas.
        This list is by no means exhaustive.                                                      EMPLOYEE BE UNFAIR?
                                      turnover of R50 million or less will   Website:
                                      be allowed to delay 20% of their
        SMME Relief Finance Scheme                                  IDC Funding
                                      employees’ tax liabilities over the                                                       He was alive to the need for
          The Debt Relief Finance Scheme   next four months and a portion of   The Industrial Development     Patrick Deale, Labour   deference to an employer’s
        for existing businesses in distress   their provisional corporate income   Corporation (IDC) has allocated   lawyer & mediator  discretion regarding promotions,
        due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   tax payments without penalties or   billions in emergency funding                       but equally – that an employer’s
        The relief will be for a period of six   interest over the next six months.   to help manufacturers with     he Labour   decision not to promote had to
        months, from 1 April 2020. Soft-                            working capital, as well as for            T     Appeal     be taken fairly and reasonably.
        loan funding will assist distressed   Instead of paying 50% of their   companies in agriculture, tourism,               The LC was not persuaded that
        small companies with funding.   expected tax bill after six months   energy, and vehicle components   Court (LAC)
                                      into the tax year, and settling the   manufacturing.                      considered such   the decision of the arbitrator was
           The Business Growth/       full amount at the end of the tax                                           a case in the   unreasonable (the review test).
        Resilience Facility is aimed at   year, provisional taxpayers only   Email:              Department    The LAC confirmed that courts
        small companies which can take   have to pay 15% after six months,   Website:               of Rural      and arbitrators should be reluctant
        advantage of supply opportunities   and another 50% by the end of the                                     Development.   to interfere with an employer’s
        resulting from the coronavirus   tax year. Then, by 30 September   Banks                                  A manager     decision to refuse promotion. But
        pandemic or a shortage of goods in   2021, they need to pay the balance.   South Africa’s banks have   referred to as “M” had been   they may interfere if –
        the local market.                                           announced individual measures to   doing the job in an acting
                                      Customs’ Duties               assist clients, with some offering                          ■   There is evidence that the
        Website:                                                                capacity for four years. The     employer acted on the basis of
                                       Rebates on customs duty      three-month payment holidays   qualification requirement for the     some unreasonable, irrelevant
        Unemployment Insurance Fund   and VAT concessions on the    on home loans, vehicle finance,   post was advertised in 2011 as     or invidious consideration; or
          As part of the special Temporary   importation of “essential goods” as   personal loans, and credit cards.  ‘B.Sc Agriculture or equivalent   ■   The decision was arbitrary,
        Employee/Employer Relief Scheme   defined in the regulations issued                       qualification in Agricultural     capricious or unfair; or
        (TERS), administered by the   under the Disaster Management   The Oppenheimer Family      Economics or Economics’. M    ■   The employer failed to apply its
        Unemployment Insurance Fund   Act are available.             The R1 billion made available by   had the qualification for this     mind to the promotion or acted
        (UIF), money will be paid out to                            the Oppenheimer family will be   requirement.
                                       A list of the qualifying goods
        workers in distressed companies.   is available on the International   paid out directly to employees of   The advertisement was     in bad faith; or
        The amounts paid will be a    Trade Administration          small, medium and micro-sized   withdrawn and advertised again   ■   Where there is no rational
        percentage of an employee’s salary,   Commission (ITAC). However, in   businesses as interest-free loans.   in July 2011. The selection criteria     relationship between the
        according to a legislated sliding                           Employees themselves will not be   were exactly the same – except     decision not to promote, the
        scale from 38% (for the highest   order to claim customs duty relief   liable to pay the money back, but   for the degree requirement     purpose of the promotion and
                                      under item 412.11, the importer
        earners) to 60% (for the lowest   will need to obtain an import   companies will be. The typical   which was changed to – “B.Sc     the information upon which the
        earners). The maximum benefit is   certificate (permit) from ITAC.     loan amount per employee is   in Agricultural Economics/    decision is based
        R6 730 a month.                                             expected to be around R750/week,   Development/Economics/   ■   The LAC found that the
                                      Website:      for a period of 15 weeks. Currently,   Statistics/Marketing’. M did not     arbitrator’s reasoning in
        Email:                            the money is available to clients   have this B.Sc qualification so he     his award showed that he fully
        Website:     Spaza Shops                   of Absa, First National Bank,   was not considered. The MEC     understood these principles
        Tax Measures                   Government’s new support     Nedbank, and Standard Bank, and   then suspended all recruitment     and that the relief granted
                                      scheme for spaza shops will give   limited to businesses which were   and selection processes until     by the arbitrator was entirely
          The draft explanatory notes   them funding to buy stock and   “financially sustainable” before the   further notice before an     reasonable.
        regarding the COVID-19 tax    assure bulk-buying discounts   coronavirus crisis.          appointment was made.
        measures can be found on the   at approved wholesalers. But                                                              TIP: The principles described
        National Treasury (www.treasury.  the spaza shops need to be   Website:   M referred a dispute to the   by the LAC will serve as useful
                                                                                                  bargaining council. He claimed   guidelines for employers to follow
                                                                                                  that the Department’s failure   when making decisions about
                                                                                                  to promote him to the post for   promotions. They essentially
                                                                                                  which he was suitably qualified   provide an insight of how the
                                                                                                  was an unfair labour practice.   LC would assess whether an
                                                                                                  The arbitrator concluded      arbitrator made a reasonable
                                                                                                  that the failure to promote M   decision in a case involving
                                                                                                  constituted an unfair labour   the fairness or otherwise of an
                                                                                                  practice. He found that M was   employer’s decision to promote or
                                                                                                  the only candidate eligible for   not to promote an individual.
                                                                                                  appointment and one who had
                                                                                                  demonstrated competence       Department of Rural Development
                                                                                                  and exemplary performance     and Agrarian Reform v General Public
                                                                                                  in the post. For these reasons,   Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and
                                                                                                  the arbitrator placed M in the   Others(PA3/18) [2020]
                                                                                                  position. The Department took   LAC 4 (6 January 2020) Source: Worklaw
                                                                                                  the award on review to the Labour   Newsletter February 2020

                                                                                                  Court (LC).                   Offices in KZN and Johannesburg
                                                                                                                                C: 083 375 8771
                                                                                                   The LC found that the arbitrator
                                                                                                  properly considered relevant   E:
                                                                                                                                Skype: patrick.deale
                                                                                                  issues that merited the promotion.   W:

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