Page 4 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
P. 4



         Trisha Gokool Parshotam, Dragon                                                                                       not require into your boot, so that
         Protection Services                                                                                                   when you are out and getting out
                                                                                                                               of your car, you are not doing this
                                                                                                                               and bringing attention to yourself.
               s I pen this column dear                                                                                        For example, if you know you
               South Africa, it comes to                                                                                       are not taking your handbag into
        Amind that by the time this                                                                                            wherever you maybe going to, put
         article reaches you, we will be on                                                                                    it in the boot before you leave for
         day 14 of the lockdown and day                                                                                        where you’re going to.
         100 of the year 2020.
                                                                                                                                In terms of card fraud, do not be
          Now what is important to                                                                                             distracted while paying, focus on
         remember, is that work days                                                                                           paying then worry about anything
         for most corporates, factories                                                                                        else. Ask for the bill or go to the
         and members of industry began                                                                                         pay point once you are completely
         by mid January, 15 days into                                                                                          ready to leave. Do not give your
         the year. Many people worked                                                                                          card to anybody to swipe on your
         through Christmas like retailers,                                                                                     behalf, do it yourself. Don’t let the
         waitresses, waiters, taxi drivers,                                                                                    cashier or waitress hold the card in
         hotels, bed and breakfasts just to                                                                                    their hand whilst you go and fetch
         list a few.                                                                                                           something you forgot.
          So essentially for some people   holiday was their next rainbow   end of April to pay their bills,   on commercial properties with   To avoid been a target or victim
         this lockdown has come just as   at the end of the cloud.  and the balance are not going to   technological devices on the   of corporate fraud make sure all
         engines have turned on and the                             know what to do.              premises.                    your processes and procedures are
                                       What this means for South
         wheels have begun to turn. And   Africa is that from the estimated   As a result, certain criminal   Fraud will be another criminal   in place. Use this lockdown as an
         for other people – they had a   60 million population, almost   elements will be on the rise,   element to consider after the   opportunity to find loopholes in
         bumper December and January,   more than half will just about   immediately after the lockdown   lockdown, for example card   your business for such activities
         and things were beginning                                                                                             and engage with relevant
         to slow down and the Easter   make it to the finish line come   while some will be occurring   cloning, phishing, and corporate   stakeholders for a plan of action.
                                                                    during the lockdown and worsen   fraud. Waitrons and cashiers will
                                                                    after.                        be tempted to get involved and
                                                                                                  assist the card cloning syndicates   Securing your property and
                                                                     Vagrants or fence hoppers will be   as a desperate measure to replenish   making sure alarms and beams
                                                                    stealing for a quick buck, so expect   lost funds from a lack of work and   are working is essential once
                                                                    an increase in the theft of copper   syndicate members will use this   businesses reopen and the
                                                                    pipes, burglar guards, light fittings,   loss to encourage their assistance.  lockdown is over. Make this
                                                                    gate motors, garage grids and any                          a priority for your home and
                                                                    other items that can be sold as   After the lockdown be extremely   businesses. Whilst you are home
                                                                    scrap metal during and after the   vigilant as contact crime is going   during the lockdown, as all armed
                                                                    lockdown. Also for cars that are   to be on the increase, these will   response companies are essential
                                                                    parked outside try not to leave any   include home invasions, hijackings   services and working, use this as
                                                                    high value items, change, jackets   and armed robberies.   an opportunity to test your beams
                                                                    or even empty bags in sight, as                            and alarm system. Sensor lights
                                                                    this will be a temptation and glass   So how does one prevent all of   should be tested as well. Tighten
                                                                    windows will be broken for these.  the above?              loose hinges on windows and
                                                                                                                               doors. Walk around your property
                                                                     Like every business been affected   You cannot prevent vagrants as   and look at your weak entry and
                                                                    by the lockdown, crime syndicates   they roam freely, but during the   exit points. Make a note of all the
                                                                    are also on a lockdown, but   lockdown one can be extremely   items that need replacing or fixing
                                                                    with plans of actions like every   cautious and vigilant by making   and make these a priority to fix
                                                                    business currently to maximise   sure that gates to your premises   after the lockdown or now if you
                                                                    “revenue and output” once the   are locked and keep all your   have the tools. Also sit down as a
                                                                    lockdown is over. So this means   easy, moveable items out of site   family and discuss a plan should
                                                                    that syndicate crime, such as   like bicycles, tool boxes, old   a home invasion happen. What
                                                                    hijacking and serious and violent   scrap metal building material,   would you do as a family and what
                                                                    crimes are going to be on the rise   essentially anything that can be   would your plan of action be? All
                                                                                                  sold as scrap metal. After the
         TRISHA GOKOOL                                              immediately after the lockdown   lockdown try and remain this   of this will increase not just your
                                                                                                                               security but your awareness of
                                                                    and also with a possibility of yet a
                                                                    another dangerous December after   vigilant even if you are not on your   your surroundings and peace of
         PARSHOTAM                                                  a long time.                   In terms of remote jamming it’s   mind, when the above contact and
                                                                                                                               business premises listed crimes,
                                                                     Any form of technological
                                                                    devices will be at risk. This   simple, just don’t be complacent   increase after the lockdown.
              risha Gokool Parshotam   and unarmed guarding and     would mean an increase of     and leave anything in your car   Take care and be safe! 
              is exceptionally proud   escorting trucks from port to   remote jamming, as the daily   that is visible from the outside…
        Tof the success of Dragon     border. The company’s specialty   movement of the population   even an empty bag. A clever tip   E:
                                                                                                  is before you leave to go out one
         Protection Services and is   is bodyguarding celebrities,   starts up again and increases, as   should pack all items that you do   W:
         passionate about her brand. She is   government VIPs, and sports   well as an increase in break-ins
         a major shareholder and partner   personalities.
         in the company and heads up the
         marketing and sales division.   Trisha also does talks to
                                      corporates and their teams as
          Dragon Protection Services   part of their health and wellness
         forms part of a very critical and   weeks, on how to avoid becoming
         important service industry. The   a victim of crime, as awareness
         security company provides (hu)  is avoidance and contributes to a
         manpower incorporating armed   healthy mind. 

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