Page 3 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
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        Max Mqadi and team                                          Max’s Lifestyle Village otherwise known as ‘KwaMax’

                                                                                                  chapter in the growth story of   in order to move forward as
                ax Mqadi is the well-  Max’s attributes his success to   taught him the business   Max’s Lifestyle, an establishment   a tourist destination. Max’s
                known businessman     three principles – compromise,   skills that he still uses today.   that has, for many years now,   Lifestyle Village keeps dispelling
        Mbehind Max’s Lifestyle       sacrifice and discipline. He grew   Max’s early success saw him   come to stand as a bastion of   such attitudes as having centres
        Village, and he is considered   up in impoverished conditions   establishing a small butchery   entertainment and leisure in   of excellence ensures that this job
        one of Umlazi’s ‘own’.        in Umlazi township and had to   in 1988 which soon grew to the   our province and the country.”    is easier.
                                      learn to fend for himself from an   establishment of seven butcheries
          Max’s Lifestyle Village is                                around the Durban region. After   Premier Zikalala added that Max   Said Max, “Max’s Lifestyle
        known to locals as ‘KwaMax’.   early age. Max’s entrepreneurial   identifying the potential in the   is known, “For paying attention   is a disciplined space. I like to
        The highly successful         spirit resulted in him leaving   Umlazi site he developed the   to detail and for understanding   be an entrepreneur, but I also
                                      school in Grade 10. Says Max,
        butchery, shisha nyama (braai   “It was not that school did not   butchery to include a braai area.   what it takes to stay ahead and to   comply with all government
        area where customers can cook                                                             cater for the individual needs of   requirements and legislation.
        the meat they have purchased),   like me but that I was not suited   Max says that he discovered   his discerning patrons.”  I have a licence to operate. The
        VIP lounge, and function      to the school environment.”  He   his passion for the hospitality   Certainly, the residents of   restaurant is a safe place to let
                                      explained that entrepreneurs
        and conference centre have    are often lost in the system and   industry, and he became   Umlazi are very proud of Max’s   loose and enjoy the township
        grown substantially from their                              successful because he         achievements and support the   vibe. Part of developing
        origins as a one room shack   that they need to build their   understands the needs of the   establishment, which also brings   townships is to fight crime, to
        butchery.                     own systems to achieve success.    market that he serves.
                                      He added that entrepreneurs                                 additional economic benefits   ensure cleanliness and to provide
          KwaMax is now frequented    are needed in the South        Despite some challenges, Max’s   to the township in terms of   proper services in order to
        by local residents, celebrities,   African economy because they   Lifestyle Village has grown    employment opportunities.  promote the respect of people.”
        sportspersons and politicians   understand the local business   and has undergone ongoing   Says Max, “I wanted to change   Max encourages families to visit
        as well as international tourists.   environment.           development as well as increased   the face of the township and   the restaurant to enjoy a meal in
        The venue is a popular choice for   Of his journey to success he   its service offerings over the years   I feel like saying I did it! Here   the restaurant.
        year-end functions, weddings,   says, “Life belongs to you, you   of its existence.       blacks are benefitting.  An    The general view is that
        baby showers and product      can change your own life, but you   In 2019, Max’s Lifestyle   entrepreneur is running a   more local tourists need to
        launches. Diners enjoy the                                  underwent a major             successful establishment, which   be encouraged to visit Max’s
        restaurant’s traditional meals   have to have a vision to achieve.   refurbishment and was launched   has participated in changing the   Lifestyle.  “Max’s provide a
                                      You have to have passion and you
        featuring braai meat with     have to be forthright in driving   as Max’s Lifestyle Village, which   perceptions of Umlazi.  platform to welcome all people
        traditional side dishes such as   the vision.”              now comprises a butchery,                                   to promote cultural exchanges
        umgxabhiso (tripe), amadombolo                              restaurant, VIP lounge,        In this regard Max has been   and celebrate diversity, which
        (dumplings)and ujeqe (steam    Max vision for his future    conference venue, and car wash.  a pioneer and made it easy   brings our rainbow nation
        bread). Many of the customers   success resulted in him ‘hustling’   At the launch in November 2019,   to market Umlazi as it has
        enjoy being entertained by the   to make a living by selling   KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle   been put on the map. The   together.”  
        music of top DJs or relaxing in   aprons on trains and running   Zikalala said, “We are thrilled   township has also had to deal
        the VIP section.              a tuckshop. These experiences   to be here to witness the next   with misconceptions and fears   W:

        EThekwini Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda, PSL Chairman Irvin   Max’s Lifestyle Village is one of the best restaurants in Umlazi.  The upgraded Max’s Lifestyle Village. (Photo: Terry Haywood
        Khosa, Max Mqadi and Premier Sihle Zikalala at the opening                                         Photography)
        of Max’s Lifestyle Village (Photo: Jabulani Langa)

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