Page 8 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No2 -eBook
P. 8


              he COVID-19 pandemic                                                                                               At eLan’s previous flagship
              is on the up, and panic is                                                                                        development, Simbithi Eco
        Trising. We’re yet to see the                                                                                           Estate, early buyers saw the
         peak of the outbreak in many                                                                                           greatest profit margins of any
         countries around the world, but                                                                                        investor.
         this virus is causing huge adverse                                                                                     Simbithi stands purchased in
         effects for people’s health, their
         security, and their livelihoods.                                                                                       2005:
                                                                                                                                1.  A 1300m  (no sea views)
         Blythedale – a Healthy Escape                                                                                             purchased at R375k now
         from the Hustle and Bustle                                                                                                valued at R2.5 million
                                                                                                                                   (6,67 times growth).
          When first learning about                                                                                                       2 (
         this outbreak, the team at eLan                                                                                        2.  A 1200m with distant sea
         Property Group noted that the                                                                                             views) purchased at R650k
         health and wellbeing aspect of                                                                                            now valued at R3.8 million
         Blythedale Coastal Estate was                                                                                             (5,85 times growth).
         already very good, as far as private                                                                                   3.  A 1600m  (with 180-degree
         development estates go. However,                                                                                          sea views) purchased at
         in light of the coronavirus and                                                                                           R950k now valued at
         future pandemics, we have decided                                                                                         R7.0 million (7,37 times
         to take the health and wellbeing                                                                                          growth).
         offering at Blythedale to another                                                                                       Blythedale is a 1000ha eco-
         level. It was known to be very                                                                                         smart, mixed use, integrated
         important, but lessons many are   to safe and secure investment   is plenty that makes the North   New mixed-use development   estate with an abundance of
         learning today have made it clear   options. The two most common   Coast attractive, both literally   is on the rise throughout the   inspiring natural features
         just how important, and it will   asset classes that people opt for are   and metaphorically. The lifestyle   Dolphin Coast. With houses   and modern approaches. It
         never be taken lightly at future   cash and gold. Another asset class   one can enjoy (once the world   showing growth of 25% in   will be 80% off-grid, making
         private developments.        that might take a hit but usually   goes back to normal) in this   the last five years, and some   it a safe and secure property
                                      bounces back and appreciates is   region means residents and   freehold sites far exceeding this
          Due to several factors, South   property, specifically residential   holidaymakers want for very little.              investment opportunity. One
         Africa and many parts of the   property in the right location.   With almost year-round warm   (property24), the popularity of   could almost live in isolation
         world have been experiencing a   Downturns become a blip on   weather, it becomes apparent   gated estates continues to rise.   at Blythedale and still enjoy
         recession. This recession is only   the steady upward curve of these   why the multitude of outdoor   This is attributable to reasons   a magnificent North Coast
         getting worse since the pandemic   property values.        attractions are so appealing.   of investment, lifestyle, safety   lifestyle. It has been designed
         broke out in our country and                               Combined with the plethora of   and security. The Blythedale   with an abundance of features,
         lockdown was initiated. However,   North Coast Property – a Safe   shopping centres and top-quality   team aim to combine innovative   meaning one wouldn’t have to
         what goes down must come up   Investment Through Turbulent   restaurants, and proximity to   technologies with a coastal   leave to be able to live. 
         eventually, and it is important to   Times                 other KZN attractions, it becomes   landscape of supreme beauty,
         try ride out the economic tough   Besides the obvious –    clearer to see the reasons for   in one of the most profitable   Contact eLan Real Estate for more
         times while they last. In times   picturesque scenery and beaches   families and couples settling   property investment destinations   information:
         like these, people usually turn   renowned nationwide – there   down in Ballito and beyond.   in the country.          T: 086 100 2001


             everley Mackay is a property   property. Her clients’ applications   potential homeowners don’t take   of communication open and to   who are higher income earners
             finance specialist whose   for property finance are facilitated   their credit score seriously and   give credit and praise often.  “Small   but who currently have little
        Bentrepreneurial spirit led   at no cost to themselves for either   don’t realise that an adverse credit   tokens of appreciation cost very   disposable income due to other
        her to establish The Bond House   residential properties, which   history will be a stumbling block   little but mean a lot,” she added.  financial commitments.
        in 2017.                      is Beverley’s primary focus, or   to obtaining a home loan. They
                                      commercial properties.        also often have a lack of knowledge   A passion of Beverley’s is that of   “In terms of Section J12 of the
          “One of the achievements that I                           around the parameters of the   educating potential homeowners   income tax act, one can invest
        have been the proudest of in my    “My extensive expertise in   National Credit Act.”     about the various requirements   in a ‘property owning company’
        career is being courageous enough   the banking sector, ongoing                           to qualify for a bond as well as   submit a certificate to SARS, get
        to go it alone. This confidence   training, as well as the personal   “A further stumbling block   the opportunities available. This   the rebate to pay towards the
        enabled me to leave a comfortable   relationships I have established   to obtaining a loan is that self-  includes engaging with companies   property in year one and year two,
        salaried position and establish   with key individuals are the basis   employed and small business   who would like to enlighten their   and possibly year three. In year
        my own company,” explained    on which I have built my business,”   owners are seldom prepared, in   employees about applying for   five, the property can be converted
        Beverley.                     she explains.                 terms of having a basic income   home loans and the opportunities   to a sectional title, and you can buy
                                                                    and expenses, or management   that are available to them.   or sell the property which is now
          Through The Bond House,       Beverley also attributes her   accounts, or even bank accounts                          worth more.”
        Beverley assists individuals,   success to many of her seniors   that show what they earn!”   “For low income earners, if
        couples, and/or employees     during her banking career who                               your earnings are in the range of   Although Beverley works
        thinking about purchasing     mentored her career’s progress.   “Many small business owners   R3500 to R22000, over the age   independently as a consultant,
                                      “They had incredibly good values,   often have incorrect attitudes and   of 18, a South African citizen,   The Bond House is backed by an
                                      were loyal, and approachable, I   the expectation that their bank   with a dependent or cohabitating   association with Multinet Home
                                      guess I was just fortunate.” She   should help them. Comments such   or married, you qualify for   Loans who can process a finance
                                      adds that much of her motivation   as ‘After all, I bank with them, they   the Finance Linked Individual   application through up to eight
                                      has come from the sheer need to   should know me’ are frequent.”   Subsidy Programme (FLISP). The   banks to obtain the best offer
                                      succeed on her own.           Their lack of understanding of the   FLISP programme is a housing   available.
                                                                    due diligence required to obtain   subsidy to assist with purchasing
                                        One of Beverley’s passions is   property finance is apparent in   a home if you are a first-time   When reflecting on her career
                                      educating clients on how to go   the reluctance to comply and the   home buyer. The subsidy is paid to   Beverley said that she wished that
                                      about applying for property                                                               she had become independent
                                      finance.  Her advice is to start   persuasion necessary to send the   your bank or financial institution   workwise, sooner in her life. Her
                                      preparing early – three, six, or   documents requested to Beverley.  and will reduce your monthly   current goals are to be successful,
                                      twelve months in advance – get   “However,” says Beverley, “One   loan instalments, making it more   remain independent and have
                                      your financial affairs in order, look   of my best traits is perseverance,   affordable to purchase a home.”   ‘enough’. 
                                      after your bank account perilously,   and I don’t give up on a client’s   Through FLISP you could
                                      and pay your accounts on time.   application till the most effort has   qualify for a subsidy ranging from   Contact Person: Beverley Mackay
                                                                    been made!” While facilitating the   R27 000 to R121 000.
                                        Potential loan seekers should   application process, Beverley says   There are also some exciting   T: +27 (0)82 820 4281
        Beverley Mackay, The Bond House  check their credit score. “Many   that it is important to keep the lines   opportunities in terms of people   W:

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