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                                                                                                  organisation is able to advance   leadership and staff show they
        David White                   Cathie Lewis                  Wendy Mahoney
                                                                                                  its sustainability objectives,   are exceeding targets defined
                                                                                                  and to contribute favourably   at Stages 1 and 2.
                                                                                                  towards environmental and
                                                                                                  social rehabilitation and      They must be discovering new
                                                                                                  preservation.  An organisation’s   ways to reduce the organisation’s
                                                                                                  sustainability journey begins   carbon footprint, contributing to
                                                                                                                               community and environmental
                                                                                                  with understanding current   sustainability enriching initiatives,
                                                                                                  circumstances and scientific   and sharing their knowledge and
                                                                                                  considerations to improve its daily   sustainability successes with
                                                                                                  impact on climate change, global   other organisations and their
                                                                                                  warming and social impacts,   staff – encouraging them to
                                                                                                  and encourages each person in
                                                                                                  the organisation to believe they   also begin their sustainability
                                                                                                  are able to make a significant   development journey.
                                                                                                  contribution to minimising the   Reconnect with Nature
                                                                                                  world’s carbon footprint.
                                                                                                                                 GLSI teams are available
                                                                                                  STAGE 2: Royal Blue          and excited to share their
                                                                                                   Stage 2 consists of further   knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                  knowledge transfer in matters of   of sustainability best practice.
                                                                                                                               They aim to encourage the
             he Green Lights          climate change by keeping global   Sustainability Scorecard  sustainability, and the creation of   development and advancement of
             Sustainability Initiative   temperature rise, this century,                          a Royal Blue Level Sustainability   sustainability initiatives within
        T(GLSI) was initiated in 2020   to well below 2 degrees Celsius   Creating a sustainable and ethical   Report.  Here the organisation   the workplace, and to encourage
        by three passionate sustainability   above pre-industrial levels,   organisation can never be a tick   demonstrates that it is meeting   that people implement these
                                                                                                  and exceeding its intentions
        pioneers, Cathie Lewis, Wendy   and to pursue efforts to limit   box exercise, and as such the GLSI   defined in their Stage 1 Indigo   ideals in their work environment
        Mahoney and David White.      the temperature increase even   three stage Sustainability Scorecard   Blue Report.  New intentions   and day to day living.
        During, and shortly after Covid,   further to 1,5 degrees Celsius. The   evolution approach helps business   are created at Stage 2, where the   Together we are able to overcome
        they realised that there is a   consequences of not maintaining   leaders, and their staff and teams,   organisation and staff commit   this global crisis, we just need
        desperate need in the market   these temperature levels include   evolve in sustainability maturity   to organisational and personal   to take collective and individual
        to help business leaders better   devastating heatwaves and floods.     and be measured against a defined   advancements in sustainability   action, and to focus our efforts
        understand sustainability as a                              set of principles.            and show evidence of actions and   on reducing waste, pollution,
        global quandary. In addition, there   Growing Confidence     GLSI provides organisations   achievements.  The adage “what   inefficiency, destruction, greed
        is a need to effect positive change   GLSI sees its role as transferring   with competency and   we measure we manage” is apt at   and plunder.  There is enough
        in stakeholder measures and   knowledge and understanding   contribution certificates at each   Stage 2 Royal Blue Report.   for everyone in the world to live
        relationships, and to ensure that   of the Sustainable Development   stage of their sustainability                     sustainably, provided we have
        organisations, their staff and their   Goals to business leaders in such a   journey.  The three-stage process   The organisation is required to   the mindset to share knowledge
        teams contribute positively towards  way that they can grow confidence   is to discover, develop, and deliver   demonstrate that they have dug   and resources, and to care
        sustainability, rehabilitation and   in how their organisations can   a sustainable organisation, where   deep into the organisation’s vision   enough about our planet and all
        advancement initiatives.      measure and transform their   staff and teams understand    and strategy, and considered all   the people, animals, birds, fish,
                                      processes and decision-making   their sustainability purpose,   aspects that have positive and   insects, grasslands, and forests that
        A Good Example                to include sustainability as an   define intended outcomes, and   negative effects on the organisation’s   live in it.  We are the generation
                                                                                                  sustainability measures.  We do
          We are fortunate in South   enterprise imperative, a value,   evolve into an organisation   not require the organisation to   that will be remembered for the
        Africa that as a country we have   and even a virtue.  GLSI’s aim   with sustainability and net   use any particular sustainability   action we take in reconnecting
                                      is to help reframe sustainability
        been proactive in matters of   in the mind of business from a   carbon emission considerations   model to define its activities.   with nature, or the further demise
        sustainability and that we support   broad environmental view, and   contributing towards decision   We do require that some use of   we leave for the children of today
        the overarching International   to transfer understanding that   making, strategy, while meeting   international best practice, such as   to endure in their lifetimes.
        Financial Reporting Standards   sustainability covers all aspects of   operational and stakeholder   the IFRS Sustainability standards,   Contact us for an exploratory
                                                                    outcome intentions.
        (IRFS) initiative and guidelines,   a business… including essential                       the Task Force on Climate-   discussion, for us to present
        which are in the process of being   financial and consumer value   STAGE 1: Indigo Blue   related Financial Disclosure   a tailor-made process to help
        adopted across the whole world.    metrics.                                               (TCFD) Recommendations,      you meet your organisation’s
        South Africa wants to achieve zero                           Stage 1 consists of an       Global Reporting Index (GRI)   unique business needs, to help
        carbon emission status and aims   Of course, all business leaders’   organisation sustainability   and the like, are included in   accelerate your organisation’s
        to be a leading global authority on   role and responsibility are to   induction, where leadership    the Stage 2 Royal Blue Report.    sustainability efforts, and for us to
        sustainability. Further, the country   create sustainable and ethical   and staff are taken through a   The GLSI model focuses on   collectively create an outcome of
                                                                    deep dive into sustainability
        wants to be a good example of   organisations, that meet both   transformation, which focuses    governance, measurements,   a financially sound and successful
        a nation able to meet the goals   governance and stakeholder   on the history and development   leadership, functional area   business, that also serves both the
        and intentions as discussed and   expectations.  To ensure this   of the United Nations Sustainable   foundation and engagement as   environment and society. 
        agreed upon by 196 parties at the   outcome, business leaders focus on:   Development Goals (SDGs) and   essential sustainability pillars, as
        UN Climate Change Conference   ■   Creating effective and ethical    their linkages to governance,    its framework is shared with the   For more information contact:
        (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12     organisational cultures   risk, culture, legitimacy, and   organisation’s leadership and staff    David White
        December 2015.                ■   Ensuring the organisation    current perspectives and future   at the beginning of Stage 2 Royal   E:
        These goals were entered into force     is productive and is meeting     intentions.  At this stage the   Blue Report level.
        on 4 November 2016.             operational measures and    organisation creates a Green    STAGE 3: Teal
          The gap between the intended     hurdle rates             Level Sustainability Report that   Stage 3 Teal Level is achieved
        outcome of a net zero carbon   ■   Adequate controls and risk     focuses on the organisation’s   where an organisation is
        world where countries do not     management indicators to    understanding, commitment,    able to demonstrate that it
        contribute towards pollution     ensure quality assurance    and intention to meet        is continually expanding on     SCAN
        and greenhouse emissions, and     standards and controls are    sustainability outcomes.    thoughts and ideas to advance   QR CODE
        our current state of daily decline     maintained            The organisation at Stage 1   sustainability endeavours as
        is huge. The Paris Agreement’s   ■   Being a good corporate citizen –   Indigo Blue Level is able to   detailed in Stages 1 and 2.    TO SEE
        central aim is to strengthen the     meeting legitimacy     show that all staff have a clear   Stage 3 consists of a Teal Level   VIDEO
        global response to the threat of     requirements.          understanding of how the      Sustainability Report, where

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