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ne of the most requested you age, the enamel on your teeth ADDRESS
cosmetic dental begins to wear away, which often
Oprocedures at Crown results in a yellow appearance.
Dental Studio is a tooth whitening Age-related discolouration may 26 Mackeurtan Ave,
treatment. Brightening a smile can also be caused by both extrinsic and Durban North
boost your confidence and make a intrinsic factors.
real difference to your appearance.
Available Treatments
Why are your teeth discoloured? Crown Dental Studio offers a
Tooth discolouration falls into complimentary tooth whitening
three different categories: extrinsic, consultation to evaluate your teeth
intrinsic, and age-related. and assess your expectations. A
thorough dental examination is
1. Extrinsic the best way to determine whether
With extrinsic tooth you are an appropriate candidate
discoloration, it’s likely that the for a tooth whitening procedure, or
only the tooth enamel, or the if there’s a reason for your teeth’s
surface of the tooth is discoloured. discolouration that needs to be
The most common causes of addressed. Based on these findings Dr Fareed Amod, Crown Dental Studio
extrinsic stains include: customised recommendations are
made based on affordability and the peroxide. The active ingredients to use, it’s always a good idea If managed properly, whitening
■ Food: chocolate, tomato sauces, time that you have available or in are broken down and as oxygen
curry, some fruits which you require results. gets onto the enamel on your teeth, to get your dentist’s advice on your teeth is a very successful and
easy way of eliminating most of
your specific requirements and
■ Beverages: coffee, tea and stains are removed, leaving you with circumstances before going the stains from your teeth and
red wine Crown Dental Studio has multiple a brighter smile. Some treatments ahead. This will ensure that you does not, as often feared, cause any
■ Tobacco: smoking and chewing tooth whitening offerings, which may involve using a light or laser to
range from a basic entry level to activate the whitening product. choose the safest, most effective damage to the tooth enamel. In
2. Intrinsic various interim levels and to a top option that will work effectively addition, if a whitening procedure
This type of stain is located of range package. In addition, there are many on your teeth. is not able to obtain the desired
effect, there are several options
within the tooth, which makes it The top of range treatment over-the-counter home whitening Some teeth sensitivity during available for brightening your
more resistant to over-the-counter includes an in-dentist chair session, kits available. These can include the whitening procedure is a teeth. Some methods include
whitening products. The teeth which may combine a range of strips, gels, toothpastes and common problem, however this
often appear a greyish colour. products as well as an ongoing whitening trays. sensitivity is usually mild and does porcelain veneers, composite
Examples of intrinsic stains maintenance programme. “We While in-office teeth whitening not last long. “We don’t let our bonding and dental implants.
causes include: have much confidence in our procedures are much quicker patients leave the rooms until the
■ Certain medications tooth whitening system and offer and more effective, many clients sensitivity has subsided,” says Dr Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
■ Trauma or injury to a tooth a lifetime guarantee provided that appreciate at-home whitening Amod. as this is not limited to emergency
■ Tooth decay you maintain ongoing oral health treatments for their ease of use and You can also reduce any dentistry treatment.
the lower costs involved. However,
and return for six monthly teeth
■ Too much fluoride cleaning sessions, which includes in-practice procedures can remove remining teeth sensitivity T: +27 81 207 8621
■ Genetics complimentary touch ups,” explains deeper stains, whereas over-the- following a whitening treatment W:
by using a toothpaste made
3. Age-related Dr Amod. counter options are only able to for sensitive teeth. It is also
remove surface stains.
Some people are born with Usually the active agent in recommended to avoid very hot
yellowish teeth while other people’s whitening products is either As a rule, no matter which or cold foods for the first few days
teeth yellow as they get older. When hydrogen peroxide or carbamide method of whitening you decide after you have received treatment.
urban-born author, Bianca and I stopped writing for a while. “Friendship is important. Your
Beck, has published and But I had time during Covid, so I group of friends becomes who you
Dreleased her first book – started again. A friend pushed me are. They shape you. It is always
Crossroads. saying ‘it is now or never’ to have good to be around people who
it published. So, I pulled out my positively reinforce you and to
“I remember how surreal it felt
receiving my books and seeing story again in January 2022 and quickly identify people who are
my words on paper in a book. I finished most of it by June 2022. negative and bad influences. Rather
stick with those who are good for
Then it was down to fine-tuning
can’t even begin to describe how and editing which took me another you. Also, love comes when you
exhilarating it was to hold my few months,” she explains. least expect it, so always be open to
book in my hands. It was the most possibilities,” she says.
exciting and scary experience I Bianca admits that Crossroads
have ever had,” she says of the was inspired by the friends and Bianca has already almost
moment that her first tranche of people that she met during her early completed the sequel to
books arrived on her doorstep. working years in restaurants and Crossroads.
bars dotted around her home city.
Crossroads took Bianca over But, for now, her focus remains
eight years to write. It is a romance She says that, even though it is on her first novel which, she says,
novel that draws on her experiences still early days, she has had a lot she would love to see made into a
whilst growing up in Durban where of positive feedback from readers movie. “It would be nice to see all
she has lived her whole life. This describing her book as a great the characters that I have come to
love story follows the challenges way to relive their memories know and love come alive on the
faced by the main characters, of yesteryear in Durban. Many big screen. This is my ultimate
Kyle and Lia, as their relationship confessed that they had quickly goal.”
is tested by the lies and actions of become immersed in the story and
the people closest to them. its highly believable characters and Crossroads is available in print through
didn’t want to stop reading. Takealot and Bianca’s website:
“I started it eight years ago and
wrote 30 x A4 pages. It was too But what is the message that
long to be a short story and too Bianca wants to get across through It is also for sale at Home Baked in
Durban North. E-books can be ordered
short to be a novel. Life happened Crossroads? via Amazon.